“OBJECT WAR CAMPAIGN” LAUNCH : Petition to support Conscientious Objectors and Deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine

On the occasion of the International Day of Peace, 21st September, Connection e.V., the International Fellowship of Reconciliation, the European Office for Conscientious Objection and War Resisters’ International are calling for a signature campaign for deserters and conscientious objectors from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The #ObjectWarCampaign calls on all citizens from everywhere to join the global effort to ensure protection and asylum to conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine involved in the current war in the region. They are our hope to refuse war and let peace prevail!

On April 6, 2022, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, had called on Russian soldiers to desert and promised them protection under refugee law. So far, this promise has not been fulfilled.

Within the scope of #ObjectWarCampaign, a petition has been prepared for everyone to sign in. The petition is addressed to the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola. The petition emphasizes the need to uphold the right to asylum to conscientious objectors and deserters from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine by hosting states. The petition launched on the WeMove.eu website can now be signed in German, English, French, Italian and Greek.

There are an estimated 100,000 Russian military draftees and deserters refusing the war of aggression. An estimated 22,000 Belarusian military draftees have left their country because they don’t want to participate in the war in Ukraine. Everyone who has refused service risks several years of prosecution because of their stand against the war. They are hoping for protection in various countries.

Ukraine suspended the right to conscientious objection and closed the border for men between 18 and 60. Over 100,000 men have evaded war involvement in Ukraine and fled abroad. Currently, Ukrainian citizens have temporary residence in the European Union. The #ObjectWarCampaign petition demands that the right to conscientious objection to military service is fully guaranteed in Ukraine.

The petition signatures  are a crucial sign of support for conscientious objectors and deserters. This campaign highlights the importance of opening borders to those who oppose the war at great personal risk in their countries, and calls on everyone around the world to support those who refuse to fight and kill.

Every recruit can be a conscientious objector, every soldier a deserter. Let’s support those who refuse to kill and end war together!

The Invasion of Ukraine

(Français plus en bas)

The AED-EDL denounces the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and wishes to express its solidarity with the Ukrainian lawyers and more generally with the whole population living in Ukraine and all the people suffering the consequences of the conflict.

The military offensive is incompatible with the respect for the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine and is a violation of Articles 2 and 33 of the United Nations Charter, which requires States to settle disputes peacefully, without threat or use of force, in such a way that international peace and security and justice are not endangered.

All States and international organisations must respect the obligations, values, freedoms and fundamental principles set out in the UN Charter, the Statute of the Council of Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights and all general principles of public international law and international humanitarian law.

The AED-EDL takes note of the decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to suspend, with immediate effect, the Russian Federation’s right of representation in the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly.

The opening of an investigation by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court into possible abuses committed during the conflict and the consideration by the International Court of Justice of requests for provisional measures submitted by Ukraine are undeniably a major step forward in favour of the rule of law.

AED-EDL hopes that such reactions will continue wherever conflicts break out and states violate international law, humanitarian law and human rights law.

The AED-EDL, in accordance with the spirit of the United Nations Charter calls for the immediate cessation of all acts of war, to protect the populations involved, and the opening of genuine negotiations to find a lasting peace. 

While more than 1.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine in ten days, the activation of the temporary protection mechanism provided for by Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 is an appropriate but insufficient response to this exceptional situation.

However, AED-EDL regrets that this procedure has not been implemented for previous humanitarian crises, even though they were similar. All refugees must be received with dignity, regardless of their country of origin, their skin colour or the reasons for their departure.

AED-EDL condemns the various statements made by European leaders which consist in establishing two categories of refugees: those who “look like us” and for whom everything should be done to welcome them with dignity, and the others, who are clearly not welcome.

AED-EDL condemns the fact that residents from third countries, who are equally affected by the on-going conflict, are facing racist violence and are blocked at the EU border.

As previous conflicts have repeatedly shown that the outbreak of conflict and war increases the exposure of women and girls to war crimes, in particular all forms of gender-based violence, arbitrary executions, rape and trafficking, ACN urges that effective measures be put in place to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, and to ensure full accountability of those responsible for these crimes.

International humanitarian and human rights law must be respected in the context of armed conflict.


L’AED-EDL dénonce l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Fédération de Russie et tient à exprimer sa solidarité avec les avocats ukrainiens et plus généralement avec l’ensemble de la population vivant en Ukraine et toutes les personnes qui subissent les conséquences du conflit.

L’offensive militaire est incompatible avec le respect de l’intégrité territoriale et de l’indépendance de l’Ukraine et constitue une violation des articles 2 et 33 de la Charte des Nations Unies, qui impose aux Etats de régler leurs différends pacifiquement, sans recourir à la menace ou à l’emploi de la force, de telle sorte que la paix et la sécurité internationales ainsi que la justice ne soient pas mises en danger.

Tous les Etats et organisations internationales doivent respecter les obligations, valeurs, libertés et principes fondamentaux énoncés dans la Charte des Nations Unies, le Statut du Conseil de l’Europe, la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et tous les principes généraux du droit international public et du droit international humanitaire.

L’AED-EDL prend acte la décision du Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe de suspendre, avec effet immédiat, le droit de représentation de la Fédération de Russie au Comité des Ministres et à l’Assemblée parlementaire.

L’ouverture d’une enquête par le Procureur de la Cour Pénale Internationale sur les éventuels abus commis pendant le conflit et l’examen par la Cour Internationale de Justice des demandes de mesures conservatoires présentées par l’Ukraine constituent indéniablement une avancée majeure en faveur de l’Etat de droit.

L’AED-EDL espère que de telles réactions se poursuivront partout où des conflits éclatent et où des Etats violent le droit international, le droit humanitaire et les droits de l’homme.

L’AED, conformément à l’esprit de la Charte des Nations Unies, appelle à la cessation immédiate de tout acte de guerre afin de protéger les populations concernées, et à l’ouverture de véritables négociations pour trouver une paix durable. 

Alors que plus de 1,5 million de réfugiés ont fui l’Ukraine en dix jours, l’activation du mécanisme de protection temporaire prévu par la directive 2001/55/CE du Conseil du 20 juillet 2001 est une réponse appropriée mais insuffisante à cette situation exceptionnelle.

Cependant, l’AED-EDL regrette que cette procédure n’ait pas été mise en œuvre lors des précédentes crises humanitaires, pourtant similaires. Tous les réfugiés doivent être accueillis avec dignité, quels que soient leur pays d’origine, leur couleur de peau ou les raisons de leur départ.

L’AED-EDL condamne les différentes déclarations des dirigeants européens qui consistent à établir deux catégories de réfugiés : ceux qui ” nous ressemblent ” et pour lesquels tout doit être fait pour les accueillir dignement, et les autres, qui ne sont clairement pas les bienvenus.

L’AED-EDL condamne le fait que des résidents de pays tiers, qui sont également affectés par le conflit en cours, soient confrontés à des violences racistes et soient bloqués aux frontières de l’UE.

Les conflits précédents ayant montré à maintes reprises que le déclenchement d’un conflit ou d’une guerre augmente l’exposition des femmes et des filles aux crimes de guerre, en particulier à toutes les formes de violence sexiste, aux exécutions arbitraires, au viol et à la traite des êtres humains, ACN demande instamment que des mesures efficaces soient mises en place pour protéger les femmes et les filles de la violence sexiste et pour garantir que les responsables de ces crimes rendent pleinement compte de leurs actes.

Le droit international humanitaire et les droits de l’homme doivent être respectés dans le contexte des conflits armés.

No to the aggression of the people of North-East Syria (Rojava)

The AED-EDL expresses its firm condemnation of Turkish military
operations aiming at the invasion of Northern Syria-Rojava.

This invasion has the sole purpose of putting an end to the experience
of the North-East Syrian Democratic Autonomous Administration, and will
cause suffering and mourning primarily in the civilian population.

The Autonomous Administration was born of the common struggle of the
people of North-East Syria, in all their ethnic and religious components
(not only Kurds but also Arabs, Armenians, Turkmen, Chechens, Yazidi,
Alevi, Muslims, Christians) against ISIS while experimenting a new model
of real democratic coexistence.

The invasion of the Turkish troops with the consent of the American
President, aims to annihilate this political project while terrorizing
and massacring, not only those who valiantly fought and beat the ISIS
but also the civilian population.

This invasion risks returning the area to a reconstitution of the
Islamic State.

Realpolitik cannot justify the inertia towards this crime of countries
that proclaim themselves democratic.

We strongly ask that the European Governments:
– Condemn the aggression of the people living in this region: Kurds,
Arabs, Armenians, Turkmen, Chechens, Yazidi, Alevi, Muslims, Christians
– Impose with immediate effect a ban on arms trade with Turkey

As peace and justice are under threat as result of this military
operation, we demand:
– the immediate suspension of the EU-Turkey agreement, because Turkey is
not a safe third country;
– the resettlement of refugees from Turkey to Europe

We express our solidarity with our Kurdish and Turkish colleagues whose
working and living conditions will be even worse in a state of war. We
also want to show our solidarity to all the Turkish citizens who in
spite of the new wave of repression, protest against this military
aggression. Furthermore, we express our solidarity to the people of the
region, asking from now for an international investigation of the facts.

Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Colmar, Madrid, Milan,
Paris, Rome, Toulouse, Turin….2019