Wenn Anwaelten die Verteidigung ihrer Mandanten zum Vorwurf gemacht wird

23. Juni 2017, 12:57 Antiterrorverfahren betreffen in der Türkei auch Verteidiger. Über die Bedeutung internationaler Prozessbeobachtung vor und nach dem Putschversuch 2016 Nach dem Putschversuch im Juli 2016 wurde in der Türkei der Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen. Zehntausende Beamte, darunter Richter und Staatsanwälte, wurden entlassen. Zwischen 80.000 und 90.000 Menschen wurden festgenommen. Die Haftbedingungen verletzen internationale Standards. […]

Contro gli arresti degli avvocati in Turchia

Communicato di LegalTeam Italia. Desta grandissimo allarme la notizia dell’arresto di 23 colleghi in Turchia, accusati di far parte dell’organizzazione di Fetullah Gulem: accusa ormai adoperata dal governo turco per colpire e sbarazzarsi di ogni tipo di oppositori, o anche solo liberi pensatori non allineati con la politica del presidente Erdogan. Nei casi di questi […]

Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça are not alone!

Today (16.06.2017), is the 100th day of the hunger strike undertaken by the university professor Nuriye Gülmen’s and primary school teacher Semih Özakça. However, they are still in Sincan prison. The situation of these two young educators is simple but a describes perfectly the current situation in Turkey. Nuriye Gülmen and Semih Özakça were dismissed […]

Libérez immédiatement Taner Kiliç

Arrestation de l’Avocat Turc, Taner Kiliç, président d’Amnesty Turquie.   Les Avocats Européens Démocrates (AED), réunis en Bureau à Amsterdam dénoncent la campagne répressive contraire aux Droits Fondamentaux du gouvernement turc contre les défendeurs des Droits de l’Homme et demandent le remise en liberté immédiate de leur confrère arrêté le 6 juin dernier. Taner Kiliç […]

Le glas de la démocratie ne cesse de sonner en Turquie

COMMUNIQUE CONJOINT MEDEL – AED-EDL Le glas de la démocratie ne cesse de sonner en Turquie et le référendum constitutionnel tendant à donner les pleins pouvoirs à Recep Tayyip Edogan le fera résonner une nouvelle fois. La fin de l’état de droit démocratique en TURQUIE Tout se passe dans un contexte de répression arbitraire allant […]

Report on the International lawyer conference in Ankara

Report by Hans Gaasbeek about the international lawyer conference held in Ankara (Turkey) between the 13th and 15thof January, 2017 The ‘International Conference On Law, State of Emergency And Judicial System in Turkey’ was co-organized by different European lawyer organizations like: the AED (European Democratic Lawyers), the ELDH (European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights) and the Foundation Day […]

« Le système judiciaire sous l’état d’urgence, en Turquie »

Mes Chers confrères, Comme vous le savez, je me suis rendue à ANKARA les 13, 14 et 15 janvier dernier, pour participer à une conférence internationale portant sur conférence organisée par 22 Barreaux turcs (entre autres Ankara, Adana, Antalaya et Diyarbakir), l’AED, la Fondation de la  Journée de l’Avocat Menacé, l’ELDH et le MEDEL avec le […]

State of Emergency and Judicial System in Turkey

We greet you as organizers of the conference entitled “State of Emergency and Judicial System in Turkey”. This conference has historical significance, for the following reasons:. ● The conference is organized in Ankara, the capital of Turkey, in an environment dominated by the oppressive and coercive practices of the State of Emergency in Turkey. ● […]

The judicial system under the state of emergency in Turkey

The Judicial System under the State of Emergency in Turkey is an international conference, which will be held on the 14th and 15th of January 2017 in Ankara, at the Ankara Plaza Hotel, Kavaklidere Bestekar Sk. No: 5 06680 Çankaya. The conference is organized by the: • European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights, www.eldh.eu […]

The CHD has been banned in Turkey

Here is the Press statement of our German colleagues from the RAV:   On the 11th of November 2016, the Turkish Ministry of Interior, in the context of the state of emergency, has banned 370 organizations and associations in Turkey. It has further set, inter alia, a three-month ban on the freedom of the advocacy […]