Defending and Protecting Lawyers Under Attack:

A Background Paper for the Pan African Lawyers Union Conference, Nairobi, October 12-15, 2016 Introduction The authors of this paper are Gill H. Boehringer and Stuart Russell of the International Association of People’s Lawyers.  The IAPL was created in 2000 to gather lawyers involved in the legal support of collective struggles for people’s rights and […]

Le glas de la démocratie ne cesse de sonner en Turquie

COMMUNIQUE CONJOINT MEDEL – AED-EDL Le glas de la démocratie ne cesse de sonner en Turquie et le référendum constitutionnel tendant à donner les pleins pouvoirs à Recep Tayyip Edogan le fera résonner une nouvelle fois. La fin de l’état de droit démocratique en TURQUIE Tout se passe dans un contexte de répression arbitraire allant […]


A Joint Statement by Legal Professional Groups & Human Rights NGOs on the forthcoming trials of the cases of the 709 Crackdown     To:    All Press and Media (for immediate release)   From:   China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group (CHRLCG) Taiwan Support China Human Rights Lawyers Network (TCLN)   Subject:   A Joint Statement […]

Day of the Endangered Lawyer

7th Day Of the Endangered Lawyer with the focus on the persecuted and harassed Chinese lawyers on the 24th of January 2017 in appr. 30 cities*     Every January 24th lawyers around the world support endangered lawyers in other countries by holding protests in front of the Embassies and Consulates of a designated country, holding meetings, press conferences and other […]

Basic Report about the oppression of lawyers in China

Approximately 300,000 lawyers are practising in China. Lawyers in China are closely monitored by the State for their work. Apart from direct intervention from the judicial bureaus and the lawyers association, lawyers are kept under control also by a controversial Annual Inspection system. In order to continue their practice, lawyers have to submit their lawyer’s […]

7th Day Of the Endangered Lawyer with the focus on the persecuted and harassed Chinese lawyers on the 24th of January 2017 in around 30 cities

Every January 24th lawyers around the world support endangered lawyers in other countries by holding protests in front of the Embassies and Consulates of a designated country, holding meetings, press conferences and other activities. This time the designated country will be China, which unleashed a massive crackdown against lawyers in July 2015. Before these mass arrests, […]

The CHD has been banned in Turkey

Here is the Press statement of our German colleagues from the RAV:   On the 11th of November 2016, the Turkish Ministry of Interior, in the context of the state of emergency, has banned 370 organizations and associations in Turkey. It has further set, inter alia, a three-month ban on the freedom of the advocacy […]

Another lawyer under threat in Turkey

To: ANTALYA CHIEF PUBLIC PROSECUTOR’S OFFICE (ANTALYA CUMHURİYET BAŞSAVCILIĞI’NA) 2016/69739 No. Fax Number: + 90 242 237 11 11 (Turkey)   Créteil, Barcelona and Amsterdam, October 24, 2016. European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL) are very concerned about the news that the former director member of ÇHD Antalya – Çağdaş Hukukçular -Progressive Lawyers Association, the advocate Özden […]

Statement regarding the attack on the lawyer Günay Dag

The member of the Istanbul branch of ÇHD, lawyer Günay Dag, was subjected to torture a few days ago by guards of Maltepe juvenile’s prison acting under the orders of the prison governor while visiting one of his clients. His head was rammed against the wall and on the ground and as a result his […]