The Invasion of Ukraine

(Français plus en bas)

The AED-EDL denounces the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation and wishes to express its solidarity with the Ukrainian lawyers and more generally with the whole population living in Ukraine and all the people suffering the consequences of the conflict.

The military offensive is incompatible with the respect for the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine and is a violation of Articles 2 and 33 of the United Nations Charter, which requires States to settle disputes peacefully, without threat or use of force, in such a way that international peace and security and justice are not endangered.

All States and international organisations must respect the obligations, values, freedoms and fundamental principles set out in the UN Charter, the Statute of the Council of Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights and all general principles of public international law and international humanitarian law.

The AED-EDL takes note of the decision of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to suspend, with immediate effect, the Russian Federation’s right of representation in the Committee of Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly.

The opening of an investigation by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court into possible abuses committed during the conflict and the consideration by the International Court of Justice of requests for provisional measures submitted by Ukraine are undeniably a major step forward in favour of the rule of law.

AED-EDL hopes that such reactions will continue wherever conflicts break out and states violate international law, humanitarian law and human rights law.

The AED-EDL, in accordance with the spirit of the United Nations Charter calls for the immediate cessation of all acts of war, to protect the populations involved, and the opening of genuine negotiations to find a lasting peace. 

While more than 1.5 million refugees have fled Ukraine in ten days, the activation of the temporary protection mechanism provided for by Council Directive 2001/55/EC of 20 July 2001 is an appropriate but insufficient response to this exceptional situation.

However, AED-EDL regrets that this procedure has not been implemented for previous humanitarian crises, even though they were similar. All refugees must be received with dignity, regardless of their country of origin, their skin colour or the reasons for their departure.

AED-EDL condemns the various statements made by European leaders which consist in establishing two categories of refugees: those who “look like us” and for whom everything should be done to welcome them with dignity, and the others, who are clearly not welcome.

AED-EDL condemns the fact that residents from third countries, who are equally affected by the on-going conflict, are facing racist violence and are blocked at the EU border.

As previous conflicts have repeatedly shown that the outbreak of conflict and war increases the exposure of women and girls to war crimes, in particular all forms of gender-based violence, arbitrary executions, rape and trafficking, ACN urges that effective measures be put in place to protect women and girls from gender-based violence, and to ensure full accountability of those responsible for these crimes.

International humanitarian and human rights law must be respected in the context of armed conflict.


L’AED-EDL dénonce l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Fédération de Russie et tient à exprimer sa solidarité avec les avocats ukrainiens et plus généralement avec l’ensemble de la population vivant en Ukraine et toutes les personnes qui subissent les conséquences du conflit.

L’offensive militaire est incompatible avec le respect de l’intégrité territoriale et de l’indépendance de l’Ukraine et constitue une violation des articles 2 et 33 de la Charte des Nations Unies, qui impose aux Etats de régler leurs différends pacifiquement, sans recourir à la menace ou à l’emploi de la force, de telle sorte que la paix et la sécurité internationales ainsi que la justice ne soient pas mises en danger.

Tous les Etats et organisations internationales doivent respecter les obligations, valeurs, libertés et principes fondamentaux énoncés dans la Charte des Nations Unies, le Statut du Conseil de l’Europe, la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme et tous les principes généraux du droit international public et du droit international humanitaire.

L’AED-EDL prend acte la décision du Comité des Ministres du Conseil de l’Europe de suspendre, avec effet immédiat, le droit de représentation de la Fédération de Russie au Comité des Ministres et à l’Assemblée parlementaire.

L’ouverture d’une enquête par le Procureur de la Cour Pénale Internationale sur les éventuels abus commis pendant le conflit et l’examen par la Cour Internationale de Justice des demandes de mesures conservatoires présentées par l’Ukraine constituent indéniablement une avancée majeure en faveur de l’Etat de droit.

L’AED-EDL espère que de telles réactions se poursuivront partout où des conflits éclatent et où des Etats violent le droit international, le droit humanitaire et les droits de l’homme.

L’AED, conformément à l’esprit de la Charte des Nations Unies, appelle à la cessation immédiate de tout acte de guerre afin de protéger les populations concernées, et à l’ouverture de véritables négociations pour trouver une paix durable. 

Alors que plus de 1,5 million de réfugiés ont fui l’Ukraine en dix jours, l’activation du mécanisme de protection temporaire prévu par la directive 2001/55/CE du Conseil du 20 juillet 2001 est une réponse appropriée mais insuffisante à cette situation exceptionnelle.

Cependant, l’AED-EDL regrette que cette procédure n’ait pas été mise en œuvre lors des précédentes crises humanitaires, pourtant similaires. Tous les réfugiés doivent être accueillis avec dignité, quels que soient leur pays d’origine, leur couleur de peau ou les raisons de leur départ.

L’AED-EDL condamne les différentes déclarations des dirigeants européens qui consistent à établir deux catégories de réfugiés : ceux qui ” nous ressemblent ” et pour lesquels tout doit être fait pour les accueillir dignement, et les autres, qui ne sont clairement pas les bienvenus.

L’AED-EDL condamne le fait que des résidents de pays tiers, qui sont également affectés par le conflit en cours, soient confrontés à des violences racistes et soient bloqués aux frontières de l’UE.

Les conflits précédents ayant montré à maintes reprises que le déclenchement d’un conflit ou d’une guerre augmente l’exposition des femmes et des filles aux crimes de guerre, en particulier à toutes les formes de violence sexiste, aux exécutions arbitraires, au viol et à la traite des êtres humains, ACN demande instamment que des mesures efficaces soient mises en place pour protéger les femmes et les filles de la violence sexiste et pour garantir que les responsables de ces crimes rendent pleinement compte de leurs actes.

Le droit international humanitaire et les droits de l’homme doivent être respectés dans le contexte des conflits armés.

Defend human rights and the rule of law at Europe’s borders!

Push-backs, violence and inhumane treatment in violation of international law have become a permanent reality at Europe’s borders. They put people seeking protection in danger of their lives, as the deaths at the Polish-Belarusian border have also shown. Refugees are dehumanized by being called a “political weapon” or “a form of hybrid threat” by leading politicians.

We, the undersigned organizations, have been supporting people affected by this border violence for years. We note that the Geneva Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights are systematically violated at Europe’s borders. EU member states disregard the principle of non-refoulement, a unique humanitarian and legal achievement that guarantees basic individual rights to those seeking protection.

This is not only an attack on the right to asylum and human rights. If lawless zones are accepted, if the rule of law is undermined, then this development also threatens democracy in Europe.

On October 6, a journalistic research collective published further evidence of violent push-backs at the EU’s external borders in Greece and Croatia. Videos and photos show the brutality of special police units.

Push-backs and the violence against those seeking protection are an expression of a policy of deterrence instead of protection – at all costs. The EU and its member states are involved in this form
of illegal border protection financially, logistically and often by deploying forces under the mandate of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex.

The German government supports the Croatian border police with technical and logistical equipment, Poland has been offered similar support. German forces are part of the Frontex operation in Greece.

Berlin: For a fresh start in European refugee policy!

The three coalition parties, which negotiate in working groups since October 27, have made it clear in their exploratory paper: “We are committed to the humanitarian responsibility arising from the German constitution, the Geneva Refugee Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights. From this, we derive the task of making efforts with our European partners to end the deaths on the Mediterranean as well as the suffering at Europe’s external borders.”

We welcome this declaration of intent. To translate it into political action, it needs to be specified in the coalition agreement. Only the consistent enforcement of international law at Europe’s borders, safe and regular pathways, a European sea rescue system and the solidary reception of protection seekers
within the EU can end the suffering and death at Europe’s borders

We demand from the future federal government:

●Defend the right to asylum in Europe: access to the asylum procedure, access to the legal system and humane accommodation. No to a Europe of detention, refugee camps and border procedures!

●Defend human dignity, the rule of law and human rights – the very values on which the European Union (EU- Treaty Article 2) is based.

●The initiation of infringement procedures against Poland, Croatia and Greece by the European Commission. We also call on the EU to include human rights violations by Member States in the field of asylum and migration when initiating rule of law procedures in case of serious violations of the values mentioned in Article 2 EU-Treaty.

●The establishment of an independent, transparent and effective human rights monitoring mechanism that allows for unannounced visits to borders and the prosecution of perpetrators. Human rights monitors must have a mandate to secure evidence. The aim must be that this well-funded and well-staffed institution prevents human rights violations in the future.

●The end of any support for the border regime in Poland, Croatia, Greece and other states that violate international law at their borders.

●Firm reactions to human rights violations in Frontex operations: Suspension of funding and deployment of EU border guards in countries that violate international human rights

●A civilian EU sea rescue program to prevent deaths in the Mediterranean. Boat refugees must be granted humane reception and access to a fair asylum procedure after landing in a safe
European port. Safe and regular pathways to Europe must be created.

●The cooperation with the “Libyan Coast Guard” and the associated ongoing breach of international law in the Mediterranean must be stopped immediately.


European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL)

European Center for Constitutional Rights (ECCHR)

Center for Peace Studies

Pro Asyl

Refugee Support Aegean

Observation Mission in Turkey – September 2021

Observation mission on the Human Right’s situation of the Turkish lawyers members of the a ÇHD and the People’s Law Office

Istanbul, 15th to 20th of September

Asociación libre de Abogadas y abogados (ALA)

Report on the Situation

From the 15th to the 20th of September in Istanbul, three ALA lawyers took part in a fact-finding mission to observe the human rights situation of imprisoned Turkish lawyers accused of, among other crimes, terrorism, some of who have been in pre-trial detention for more than five years. These lawyers belong to various progressive lawyers’ associations such as ÇHD, OHD or the People’s Law Office.

The mission consisted of about fifty lawyers from different European associations and collegial institutions. The ALA lawyers are also representatives of AED (European Democratic Lawyers) of which ALA is a member and which is currently co-chaired by a member of our association.  

Download the full report of the ALA- observation mission

Download the full report of the Italian observation mission

What’s after Moria?

The end of EU refugee policy in compliance with human rights

RAV and AED-EDL zoom press conference with European lawyers and Moria refugees, September 17, 2020, 10.00am

To register and for details: or: 030.417 235 55
Background information:

Moria represents the fact the decisive achievement of European civilization – that states subject themselves to rights and duties – is at stake. Lawyers from three European countries explain their experiences, a Moria refugee concretely reports on the consequences of failures of national and EU-law; Karl Kopp from pro asyl will place this in the context of the European asylum reform of recent years.

RAV and AED-EDL invite you to a zoom press conference in German and English language focusing on the current situation in Moria and EU preparations for a ›Moria 2.0‹.

  • Raed Alabd, Afghan refugee from Moria, will report on his current survival struggle.
  • Greek lawyer Elli Kriona represents many refugees from Moria legally. She explains the Greek and EU legal background and clarifies the causes of the failure of European asylum policy on the background of the EU-Turkey deal. Due to her practice she has precise information on the situations of the refugees in Moria.
  • Italian lawyer Lucia Gennari, who accompanied refugees on ships to enable them to safe entries into EU harbors; she also represents many refugees from the Italian hot spots. Lucia Gennari also explains the Italian experiences with the failure of the European asylum system, especially with the hot-spot (non)-system.
  • German lawyer Berenice Böhlo, legally representing many refugees arriving from Greece to Germany, comments on the misguided German discussion on indisputable human rights-based requirements, binding legal and procedural guarantees within the European asylum system. Demands of the European lawyer associations will be presented.
  • For years, Karl Kopp of pro asyl deals with the survival of refugees in Europe and explains why – from a civil society perspective – only a fundamental reform of the European asylum system can guarantee for a humane procedural legal process.


Download invitation


Here is the video of the conference. Co-president of the AED-EDL Berenice Boehlo talks at around 50:00 min.

Open statement in connection with the detention of Belarusian lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak

September 10, 2020

We express our deep concern at the detention of lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak on September 9, 2020, in Belarus, in a criminal case which is undeniably politically motivated. We consider this to be a gross violation and interference with their professional legal activities and with their rights to express professional opinions, as established by international legal standards. This case is a direct consequence of a dire situation, problems and violations of professional rights of attorneys and lawyers and overall functioning of the legal profession in the Republic of Belarus. These problems were highlighted by both international organizations and representatives of the legal community before.[1]

According to information posted on the website of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, “the investigation of the criminal case opened by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Belarus under Part 3 of Art. 361 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. At the moment, in the course of the investigation, evidence has been obtained that testify to the commission by individuals of a non-governmental organization called the Coordination Council, actions aimed at destabilizing the socio-political, economic situation and public awareness in the country, causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus. These actions were carried out using the media and internet resources. With regard to the suspects Maria Kolesnikova and Maksim Znak, with the approval of the prosecutor, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention. Ilya Salei was also detained on suspicion of committing this crime.”[2]

However, detained Ilya Salei is a lawyer of Maria Kolesnikova, one of the leaders of the Belarusian protest movement and a member of the Presidium of the Coordination Council, who is also in jail.[3] Second detained lawyer Maksim Znak was representing Viktor Babariko, who ran for the President of the Republic of Belarus, but was not allowed to register as a candidate and was recognized as a political prisoner. Maksim Znak was also an attorney for the former presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, on whose behalf he created the Coordination Council. As a member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council, Maxim Znak was providing legal assistance as an attorney. Maxim Znak’s lawyer Dmitry Laevsky notes: “all his statements, appeals, comments were public, transparent, their content was absolutely legal and did not carry any illegal intentions.”[4]

We would like to emphasize that, in accordance with the United Nation’s Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers[5], governments must ensure that lawyers can perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment, or improper interference. Lawyers, like other citizens, are entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly. In particular, they have the right to take part in public discussion of matters concerning the law, the administration of justice and the promotion and protection of human rights, and to join or form local, national or international organizations and attend their meetings, without suffering professional restrictions by reason of their lawful actions or their membership in a lawful organization.

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee appealed to the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers with a report about the situation of lawyers Maksim Znak and Ilya Salei.[6] The report called for urgent action to be taken in connection with the detention of the lawyers and requested to send an urgent message to the Government of Belarus on the need to comply with the Basic Principles concerning the role of lawyers.

Belarusian lawyers and jurists have made an open statement in connection with the detention of their colleagues.[7]

We also demand from the authorities of the Republic of Belarus to:

– immediately release lawyers Maksim Znak and Ilya Salei and comply with international legal standards of the independence of legal profession and the exercise of the right to defense;

– stop the persecution of lawyers and attorneys who are exercising their constitutional right of free expression by expressing their opinions[8] while performing professional functions;

– strictly observe the provisions of Art. 62 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus: “everyone has the right to exercise and protect rights and freedoms, including the right to use at any time the assistance of lawyers and their other representatives in court, other state bodies, local government bodies, at enterprises, institutions, organizations, public associations and in relations with officials and citizens. Opposition to the provision of legal assistance in the Republic of Belarus is prohibited by law.”[9]

Download in English and Russian


  1. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Poland
  2. ARTICLE 19, United Kingdom
  3. The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
  4. The Bar Association of Luxembourg
  5. The Swedish Bar Association
  6. The French and German speaking bars association of Belgium AVOCATS.BE
  7. The European Association of Lawyers AEA-EAL
  8. Lawyers for Lawyers, The Netherlands
  9. FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights
  10. Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM, Serbia
  11. OMCT World Organisation Against Torture
  12. Human Rights House Foundation, Norway
  13. Centre de la protection internationale, France
  14. Human Rights Monitoring Institute, Lithuania
  15. International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR), Belgium
  16. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee
  17. Freedom Now, USA
  18. Crude Accountability, USA
  19. All-Ukrainian Association of Lawyers Providing Free Legal Aid – Odesa Division, Ukraine
  20. Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights, Russia
  21. Pskov Regional Human Rights Environmental Public Movement “Svobodnyi Bereg”, Russia
  22. Kharkiv Regional Foundation Public Alternative, Ukraine
  23. German-Russian Exchange in St. Petersburg
  24. Stichting CAAT Projects, The Netherlands
  25. MEMORIAL Deutschland e. V. Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Germany
  26. Legal Policy Research Center, Kazakhstan
  27. Public Association Dignity, Kazakhstan
  28. Human Rights Movement “Bir Duino-Kyrgyzstan”
  29. Belarusian Helsinki Committee
  30. Human Constanta, Belarus
  31. Center for Participation and Development, Georgia
  32. Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor, Armenia
  33. Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors on Law Enforcement, Ukraine
  34. SOVA Center for Information and Analysis, Russia
  35. Souchastiye v Sud’be, Blagotvoritel’nyy Tsentr, Russia
  36. Human Rights Embassy, Moldova
  37. Libereco Partnership for Human Rights, Germany
  38. Public Verdict Foundation, Russia
  39. Human Rights Group “Grazhdanin, armia, pravo”, Russia
  40. DRA – German-Russian Exchange, Germany
  41. Social Action Centre, Ukraine
  42. Helsinki Committee of Armenia
  43. Helsinki association, Armenia
  44. Macedonian Helsinki Committee
  45. Swedish OSCE-network
  46. Albanian Helsinki Committee
  47. Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
  48. Women of the Don, Russia
  49. Moscow Helsinki Group, Russia
  50. Human Rights House Zagreb, Croatia
  51. Human Rights Center, Georgia
  52. Mogilev Human Rights Center, Belarus
  53. Netherlands Helsinki Committee
  54. Human Rights Center ZMINA, Ukraine
  55. The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House
  56. “Ekumena” Center, Belarus
  57. Youth Memorial – Perm, Russia
  58. Human Rights House in Chernihiv, Ukraine
  59. The Georgian Centre for Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims
  60. Östgruppen – Swedish initiative for democracy and human rights, Sweden
  61. IDP Women Association Consent, Georgia
  62. Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Kazakhstan
  63. Czech Bar Association, The Czech Republic (tbc)
  64. Civil Initiative Against Lawlessness in Courts and Prosecutor’s Office, Belarus
  65. AED-EDL (Avocat.e.s Européennes Démocrates / European Democratic Lawyers), Barcelona, Spain
  66. Freedom House, USA
  67. Independent Social Ecological Movement – NESEHNUTI, Brno, The Czech Republic
  68. Stichting CAAT Projects, the Netherlands
  69. La Asociación Libre de Abogados, Spain
  70. RAW for Women and Girl Survivors of War (Raw in War)
  71. Citizens Network Watchdog, Poland
  72. ORDRE DES AVOCATS DE PARIS / Paris Bar, France
  73. The Сouncil of the Warsaw Bar Association of Advocates, Poland
  74. Russian LGBT Network
  75. Board of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum
  76. Freedom of Religion and Believe – FORB, Belarus
  77. Human Rights Center Memorial, Russia

[1] See,

[2] See

[3] Coordination Council – public initiative, created with the goal of overcoming political crisis in Belarus and ensuring peace and understanding, and also for protection of sovereignty and independence of the republic of Belarus. More information about the Council please see

[4] See

[5] Adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September 1990, see

[6] See


[8] Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

[9] See

OBITUARY – Ebru Timtik will always be in our minds and hearts!

Ebru passed away yesterday after 238 days on Hunger Strike. She fought until her last breath for the right to a fair trial and independence of lawyers. The Turkish State is responsible because it ignored her claims.

Last October we visited her and the other colleagues of the ÇHD in Silivri hight security prison (near Istanbul) with an International Delegation of lawyers, we spoke with her about her determination to continue denouncing all forms of injustice.

We know that the right to a fair trial has been violated in the so called ÇHD2 Case. We have seen, observing the trial, that the Court was unfair. The lawsuit was a masquerade (not enforcing procedural rules, nonsense statements of a secret witness were the base of the decision, and the verdict was given before the right of defence was exercised). The international delegation of Lawyers, in which AED-EDL and the Foundation Day of Endangered Lawyer participated monitoring the trial, has been expulsed from the Courtroom before the last statement was given by the defence lawyers and before the final decision.

The denying of the demand Ebru made for a fair trial made her choose the way of a hunger strike. This hunger strike was not meant as a special request for herself but for the whole profession of lawyers and for the Kurdish and Turkish people. When her situation was already very grave on the 14th of August a request to release Ebru and her colleague Aytaç Unsal was denied by the Constitutional Court of Turkey.

Everyone has to know that the death of Ebru could have been prevented. For all of us, her death will be remembered as a shame for the Turkish Judiciary.

The lesson we can obtain of Ebru’s death is that we must be more conscious to fight for fundamental Rights in Turkey and other Countries. Her action will help and motivate us to defend the right to a fair trial.

Ebru, your life was brilliant, your death is very sad, and your example is a light in this time of troubles in Turkey!


Rest in peace, our sister.



The Instrumentalization of the Pandemic

Possible legal strategies and actions before national jurisdictions and international bodies

On the 12th of June 2020, the AED-EDL held a special webinar dedicated to the instrumentalization of the COVID pandemic.

The speakers highlighted different aspects of the question and country reports where presented


Here are the interventions of our speakers


Nicola Canestrini on Rights, emergency and the rule of law

Flor Tercero on Covid and Migrants rights in France

Volker Eick on the effects of the pandemic on lawyering in Germany

Ceren Uysal on Covid and Prisons: the Turkish example

Annette Terpstra on Covid and Labour law

Robert Nestler on Borders under the Covid threat


Here are the country reports to read:







Freedom for Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar

The European Union must stop the arbitrary incarceration of refugees and migrants

We express our solidarity with Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar who are currently being held in pre-trial detention in Komotini, Greece. Both are facing long prison sentences because they are being wrongfully and arbitrarily accused of “smuggling”.

Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar are Moroccan citizens who fled their country searching for protection and better living conditions, Hamza Haddi in particular is a known political activist who was hoping to be granted political asylum in Europe. In Morocco, he is facing political persecution for his activities during the Arab Spring as well as for his engagement with the Moroccan Human Rights Association L’Association Marocaine Des Droits Humains AMDH. He has been imprisoned three times and, together with his family, been constantly targeted and intimidated by Moroccan authorities. Hamza is a political refugee.

With Europe’s ever-increasing closure of borders and the impossibility for refugees to legally enter Europe and claim asylum, they were forced to embark and risk their lives on a makeshift boat. Hamza, who had fled from Morocco together with his brother Yassine went on to meet two companions on the way; Reda and Mohamed in Turkey. There, they spent only a few days before attempting to cross the Evros river that marks the border between Turkey and Greece in July 2019.

In Greece, the four arrived, only to be immediately arrested by Greek border police. But not enough. Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar are now accused of and are facing trial for the “smuggling” of two persons – one of them being Hamza’s own brother Yassine!

The accusations against Hamza and Mohamed are clearly unfounded. They are refugees, not smugglers.

Their companion Reda was coerced into signing a testimony that is now being used to wrongly accuse Hamza and Mohamed as being the smugglers. Reda can neither speak nor read Greek and later confirmed that the written document does not match his statement.

Consequently since July 2019, Hamza and Mohamed have been held in pre-trial detention in Greece and are facing more than ten years of imprisonment each. The basis of their trail is placed upon a testimony signed under pressure and without an interpreter.

We are calling for their immediate release!

The case of Hamza and Mohamed is unfortunately not an isolated case but paradigmatic for yet another facet of Europe’s policy of closing borders and deterrence. While European supporters or so-called “human rights defenders” such as Carola Rackete or the iuventa10 have recently received a lot of attention and support after having become the target of increasing criminalisation, there is hardly any information nor support for those without a European passport facing the very same accusations. However, it is them who constitute the majority of those being arrested and imprisoned in Italy and Greece on grounds of alleged “smuggling” and “aiding illegal immigration”. Arrested immediately upon arrival, a lot of them disappear unknown and unheard of and with no access to support from outside.

The basis for this is Greek legislation that considers any person found to have driven a vehicle across Greek borders, entering Greece without required documentation, as a smuggler.

The arrests as well as trials that follow these often-unfounded accusations of smuggling are arbitrary. Police officers might accuse the person holding the tiller to steer the boat, or the one who communicated with the coast guard to call for help or simply someone who speaks English, to be a smuggler. In Greece, the average trial lasts only around 30 minutes, leading to an average sentence of 44 years and fines over 370.000 Euro. Suspects, or what we would deem ‘victims’ of this unjust legislation, usually have limited access to legal assistance, most of them relying on public defenders. Observers voice concerns about a “shocking lack of deep processing”, reporting that judgements are pronounced despite lack of evidence and poor quality of translation.

This statement is to express our solidarity with Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar and all those criminalized and deprived of their basic rights in the European Union’s proclaimed fight against “smugglers”. We call on everyone to condemn the arbitrary application of anti-smuggling laws against people on the move, who are often already in fear of their lives. We denounce the exploitation of the vulnerable situation of asylum seekers by the EU member states, leaving them without the means to properly defend themselves.

Together with the Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar support committee we demand:

• The immediate release of Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar.
• All charges against them to be dropped, and their innocence to be recognized.
• Hamza’s asylum application to be accepted and his asylum granted.
• Regularisation of the situation of Hamza and Mohamed, and freedom of movement for all.

We further demand:

    • Freedom for all those that are suffering the same fate, being imprisoned in Greek and Italian prisons because they were looking for a better life.
• A change in the Greek and Italian law in order to remove the legal grounds for these arbitrary arrests and convictions.

    –>  Attend the trial of Hamza and Mohamed on February 4th 2020 in Komotini, Greece!
–>  Donate for their legal defence:

Download press statement:






After years of persecution and resistance, the CHD has decided to renew
the association.





Our Association was closed down by the government in 2016. We had then announced that this was not a legitimate decision for us; we would not accept it. When our offices were looted, and the doors of our offices were locked up and sealed, “ÇHD does not exist merely in the offices”, we said. As we account for the hard process we have gone through we have the honor to keep to our word.

We are honored, that is correct. However, we are not surprised with the seamless will to struggle of our Association as well as its attitude in the face of the contemporary of state of affairs in our country. For this outcome comes naturally out of the power and legitimacy of our tradition. It is equally the immediate result of our faith in and aspiration for a just, free, classless world that does not welcome exploitation. In this process, some of our valued Bu members were held captive; they were tortured; they were convicted to ten year-long imprisonment. But we have persisted to convey to our friends and foes, to Turkey and to the whole world that another lawyering practice is possible and that ÇHD will never and ever withdraw from opting for this practice.

The Conference that we organized within the scope of the Ordinary General Assembly, on January 18, 2020 was turned into a vibrant platform for struggle where our decisiveness, our will to solidarity and resistance came to the fore, showing the impossibility to end the ÇHD by despotic measures.

The Ordinary General Assembly also showed that the ÇHD is not alone in its struggle; that it has hundreds of comrades who would join the struggle for a just world. The messages of friendship and solidarity, sent by many lawyers’ organizations to our Association are examples of this. The messages that we received from the workers in the tents of struggle, from the families of Soma miners, from the families of Çorlu train massacre, from the families of our friends who were taken from us in the October 10 Train Station massacre and in Gezi resistance once more confirmed the historical importance of the lawyering practice of the ÇHD. The messages of friendship, comradeship and solidary that we received from our colleagues in Italy, Portuguese, United States, Phillippines, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Asia-Pacific countries, Catalonia, Greece who struggle with similar faith and decisiveness also showed the extent of our reach throughout the world, that we are part of a global comradeship. In this respect, the first conclusion that we have is as follows: We claim each and every concern of social opposition in the world, in general, and in Turkey, in particular! We claim the concern of each and every resistance tent, strike, boycott, the demands of a body, vanishing for justice, the demands of women, resisting on the streets, the demands of our colleagues in France, throwing their robes, the claims of the lawyers in Pakistan – our comrades who were killed – all our claims, too! They claim ours! The hope for free, just and bright features lies in such true solidarity.

“The Crisis of Capitalism, the Crisis Law”

The Ordinary Constitutive Assembly that we held under the title, “Crrisis of Capitalism, the Crisis Law” opened a space where we could underline the social dynamics of the present historical period and discuss the agendas of social opposition – to which the ÇHD has been a historical party – and the requisites brought in by these agendas. Many members of our Association have contributed significantly to these discussions with their presentations.

Assessing the presentations and discussions together we reached the following conclusions:

  • We are at a critical historical phase not only in Turkey but throughout the world. On the one hand, we observe the aggressive imperialist policies that increase with the deepening economic crisis. On the other hand, we witness the rise of resistance in different parts of the world. These developments point at the main lines of struggle and possible alliances in the coming years.
  • ÇHD, is the name for a certain practice of lawyering. In the process ahead of us, it should be the main mission of all its members to carry this practice of lawyering, developed by the ÇHD laboriously into the new period. ÇHD is the organization of the lawyers who are the workers of struggle, turning the law into a means for justice – and not those lawyers who approach the law as a technical asset. With such awareness we cite the following topics to be included in the agenda of the ÇHD:
  • ÇHD started its Ordinary General Assembly in the absence of our dear Chair, Selçuk Kozağaçlı, and our respectable members Behiç Aşçı, Aytaç Ünsal, Aycan Çiçek, Ebru Timtik, Barkın Timtik, Oya Aslan, Ayşegül Çağatay and Engin Gökoğlu since they were imprisoned. The first item of the ÇHD in the past, present and future shall be the freedom of their colleagues who were taken prisoner, who were taken hostage. It is certain that ÇHD should organize effective actions for the freedom of our colleagues who are imprisoned. It is also important that the ÇHD should also adopt an effective working style in matters listed below for the strengthening of social opposition – which is also significant for the freedom of our imprisoned colleagues. We shall not step back from the maxim, “Freedom to Imprisoned Lawyers”, until our last imprisoned comrade gains her/his freedom.
  • ÇHD shall continue to take sides with the workers and labor in the face of all attacks against the working class. It is clear that it should be the capitalists to pay for the crisis, not the workers. ÇHD believes in the legitimacy of the working class struggle; we shall not reduce the working class struggle to the laws and the courtrooms. We shall be in solidarity with the working class on this basis; we shall struggle in solidarity with the working class. We shall continue to be in solidarity with the working class whenever and wherever they are attacked, whenever and wherever they are hurt, whenever and wherever they stand up.
  • The suicides that span through the country is a concern for the ÇHD. ÇHD does not approach the suicides as individual cases; it knows that anti-capitalist struggle is the only bulwark against the increase in the number of suicides due to the crisis of capitalism.
  • The process of the State of Emergency (Olağanüstü Hal, OHAL) was used as a grounds to dissolve the public space and to continue with the neoliberal transformation. ÇHD acknowledges that its our duty to keep up with solidarity with the public workers who were dismissed from public service and who were almost pushed to die civil death.
  • The power bloc in Turkey is accelarating its attacks and violent practices against the Kurdish people. ÇHD, as its also stated in our by-laws shall defend the right of nations to self-determination. Pursuant to this principle we shall put solidarity with Kurdish people in every sphere and at every level among our prior duties in the coming period. ÇHD defines the imprisonment of the political representatives of Kurdish people and the appointment of trustees to the elected municipal administrations as part of colonial politics and a matter of political injustice. Our Association shall continue its stance against the war against the Kurdish people that involve occupation and annihilation in our country as well as across the borders. ÇHD shall stand against all kinds of aggressiveness by Turkey, of all reactionary-fascist countries in the region and cross-border imperialist forces against the will of the Kurdish people.
  • It is obvious that the region is under attack of the aggressive imperialist policies that are aimed to reshape it; to open up space for wars that would bring in evermore blood, hunger, poverty to the peoples in the region. It shall be one of the main duties of the ÇHD to adopt the maxim, mperyalist talan ve saldırganlık politikaları karşısında “war against the palaces, peace to the cottages” to be an active party to the anti-imperialist struggle that would enhance solidarity with the peoples in the region.
  • The environmental plunder, the right to the environment, and climate rights are the topics that concern us. ÇHD takes sides with all struggles against Channel İstanbul, hydroelectric power plants and similar practices that are environmentally destructrive.
  • Today in Turkey, the average number of women who are killed in domestic violence daily is five. The OHAL process brought in a period when violence against women and the LGBTIQ+ was increased and reinforced by the conservative rhetoric that has been circulated by the government. In the meantime, the courts have been functioning as mechanisms of impunity in cases of violence and rape. One of the topics in the ÇHD’s agenda for struggle in the new period is to eliminate the current impunity in the juridication concerning cases of gender-based violence.
  • Gender equality is one of the main topics of concern for ÇHD. This was true yesterday, and it still is true today. We shall develop the means for ensuring gender equality in every social sphere and to struggle against sexism.
  • Prisons shall be one of the main concerns for ÇHD’s struggle. This was the case in past; it shall be the case today. Today it is obvious that illegality is the norm; thus the prisons are filled with political prisoners. In our country, political prisoners are involved in actions, extending from hunger strikes to death fasts in order to defend and/or claim their most basic rights. ÇHD shall continue to work to defend the rights of the political prisoners and stand by them. All political prisoners who are imprisoned due to their claim to a classless, free and just world where exploitation is eliminated are ÇHD’s clients, friends and comrades.
  • ÇHD shall also follow the attacks against the profession. Lawyers are impoverished increasingly, lawyers-as-workers try hard to make ends meet, they are exploited. We shall not forget our colleague Gökhan Vural Arı who committed suicide. We shall keep struggling for our colleagues’ economic and social rights as one of the main topics of concern of the ÇHD.
  • The licences of legal apprentices are usurped. This usurpation is realized in an arbitrary fashion and a group of legal apprentices are tried to be prevented by the power-holders at the very initial stages of their career, since they are perceived to be “threats”. This attack grows out of a futile fear, but it has serious consequences. Eliminating against this attack shall be one of the main topics in ÇHD’s new period.
  • Enhancing the solidarity with the migrants and refugees shall clearly be a main topic of concern for ÇHD. Millions of migrants who have been turned into objects of bargaining by Turkey and the power-holders in Europe are also victims of racism that has been deliberately provoked by the same power-holders. ÇHD shall approach the rights and liberties of the migrants and refugees on an equal stand with the rights and liberties of citizens’ rights and liberties.
  • There is no jurisdiction in Turkey. Criminal jurisdicion is conducted directly by command; thousands are deprived of the right to just jurisdiction; their right to defence are restricted; they are imprisoned. In this period when coursehouses fall short of ensuring justice, it is the ÇHD’s duty to take sides with the rights struggles of the oppressed, repressed and whose rights are violated.
  • ÇHD is aware of the significance of the international solidarity of progressive lawyers. In this respect, it shall further develop the activities that it has already been pursuing. In this respect, we shall support our colleagues who are in resistance in France. In the meantime, we shall look for ways and methods to stand by the Pakistani democratic lawyers, to whom the Day of the Endangered Lawyers is dedicated in 2020. One step in this regard shall be active participation in the international action that will take place on January 24, 2020.

In the light of these statements and decisions, our General Assembly considers the letter sent by Selçuk Kozağaçlı as a statement and announces the following decisions:

From now on, ÇHD shall continue with its solidarity acts in the past, and “shall take its place in strike tents, in front of the morgues, in the faculty boycotts, behind the barricades, in front of the queues. ÇHD shall concern not to be more intelligent than the ones with whom we struggle together but to turn the potential to fight together, to trust to each other into action in order to weave an axis of struggle.”

ÇHD Ordinary General Assembly is determined to show that, “to be nuts is preferable than to be obedient”! For it us who claims the reputation to be the nuts, to pursue the impossible and not to hesitate to tresspass; we shall not turn it over to anyone!