Joint Statement: Bar Associations and International Lawyers’ Organisations Call for Protection of Lawyers in Iran

The undersigned bar associations and international lawyers’ organisations call for the Islamic Republic of Iran and its agencies to protect, promote, and support the following basic rights: 1) the independence of the legal profession; 2) the principle of lawyer-client confidentiality; 3) the right to have access to a legal representative; 4) the right to prepare […]

Une délégation d’avocates et avocats d’Europe et des États-Unis observe le procès CHD à Silivri Le procès qui dure déjà depuis 10 ans

En 2013, il y a dix ans, un procès de masse a débuté contre 22 avocates et avocats, tous membres de l’organisation d’avocats Progressive Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD, Turquie) et du People’s Law Office (HHB). Depuis, jusqu’à trois audiences ont eu lieu chaque année – d’abord devant la “Cour d’assises spéciale” (la Haute Cour pénale), puis, […]

Lawyers delegation from Europe and the USA observe the CHD trial in Silivri – The trial which already has lasted for 10 years

In 2013, ten years ago, a mass trial started against 22 lawyers, all of them members of the lawyers organisation Progressive Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD, Turkey) and of the Peoples Law Office (HHB). Since then up to three hearings have taken place each year – first before the “Special Assize Court” (the Heavy Penal Court), then, […]

Massive Espionage on seven Spanish Lawyers using the Pegasus programme

TO THE OBSERVATOIRE INTERNATIONAL DES AVOCATS EN DANGER (OIAD) INFORMATION ON MASSIVE ESPIONAGE PERPETRATED ON SEVEN SPANISH LAWYERS USING THE PEGASUS PROGRAM The indiscriminate ‘hacking’ using the PEGASUS spy program that was carried out on pro-independence politicians, has also affected seven lawyers: Gonzalo Boye Tusset, Josep Costa, Jaume Alonso Cuevillas, Andreu Van den Eyden, Joaquim […]

Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2022- Activities

On the 24th of January, all over Europe and the whole world, lawyers show their solidarity with their fellow colleagues. This year the Day of the Endangered Lawyer is dedicated to Colombia, who suffer manifold repression for their professional work. BELGIUM : CCBE with the Association of European Democratic Lawyers (AED, of which the Lawyers’ […]


23June2021–Attacks against lawyers in the Philippines continue to take place and killings have reached a record high since the start of President Duterte’s administration five years ago. We, the undersigned organizations,express our deep concern overthe attacksandtheoppressive working environment lawyersstill facein the Philippines. We call again on the Duterte Government to adequately protect the safety and […]

11th Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2021- Azerbaijan

The struggle to protect Azerbaijani lawyers Petition The DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER is commemorated each year on 24 January. On that Day, 24 January 1977 four trade union lawyers and an employee were murdered in their office in Madrid, Spain, simply for doing their job. One of the killers escaped on a permit granted […]

Joint Letter on Oya Aslan

To the president of Istanbul 37. Heavy Penal Court No: 2020/247 Düsseldorf, Barcelona, Vienna, Brussels. 11.01.2020 LAWYERS’ ASSOCIATIONS DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF TURKISH LAWYER OYA ASLAN We, the undersigned international lawyers’ associations, have for many years condemned the criminal prosecutions and investigations targeted against lawyers in Turkey and internationally for performing the duties of […]