Suite à l’évacuation de Calais

Madame ou Monsieur le Bâtonnier,

Vous êtes comme nous sensibilisé à la situation d’urgence qui se profile pour chacun de nos barreaux du fait de l’évacuation du bidonville de Calais et de la relocalisation un peu partout en France de ses occupants.

Le CNB a d’ailleurs noté l’accès quasiment inexistant à l’information et au suivi juridique des migrants et l’absence de mesure de protection des personnes vulnérables, notamment les mineurs isolés.

Dans la continuité de l’appel du CNB en date du 13 octobre dernier, nos organisations ont décidé de réunir leurs efforts afin de coordonner des actions communes, l’objectif étant d’améliorer l’accès aux droits des personnes qui arrivent dans nos barreaux, tant au niveau du contentieux de l’éloignement que du conseil en matière de séjour des étrangers et de l’asile.

Dans cette optique, il est urgent de constituer des listes d’avocats, compétents, volontaires et acceptant d’intervenir exclusivement au titre de l’aide juridictionnelle, dans chaque barreau sous l’égide de l’Ordre afin de renforcer les dispositifs de défense d’urgence déjà existants.

Ce dispositif pourrait également avoir un prolongement tant au niveau régional que national, en coordination avec les ordres, les associations signataires et les initiatives citoyennes d’aide aux migrants.

Bien entendu, il est indispensable dans ce contexte que chacun de ces justiciables ait un égal accès à l’avocat.

A cette fin, nous souhaiterions vous rencontrer au plus tôt pour vous exposer de manière plus précise notre projet.

Vous remerciant de l’attention particulière que vous porterez à la présente, Très respectueusement et confraternellement,

ADDE représentée par Flor TERCERO, avocate au barreau de Toulouse
AED représentée par Pascale TAELMAN, avocate au barreau du Val-de-Marne ELENA représentée par Alexandre ASLANIAN, avocat au barreau de Paris
SAF représenté par Florian BORG, avocat au barreau de Lille

Paris, le 18 octobre 2016


Another lawyer under threat in Turkey



2016/69739 No.

Fax Number: + 90 242 237 11 11 (Turkey)


Créteil, Barcelona and Amsterdam, October 24, 2016.

European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL) are very concerned about the news that the former director member of ÇHD Antalya – Çağdaş Hukukçular -Progressive Lawyers Association, the advocate Özden SALDIRAN was arrested 9 days ago, on the 15th of October. His home and office were searched. She’s still in police station and has not yet been sent to the courthouse.

Ms. Özden SALDIRAN is suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. Without medical care the police custody may endanger her health.

It is clear that Özden Saldıran has no connection with FETÖ. The arrest of lawyer Özden SALDIRAN is another case against lawyers simply because they perform their professional duties. This arrest is part of a pattern of prosecutions for alleged terrorist offenses that the Turkish government brings against its citizens, including journalists, trade unionists, human rights activists, parliamentarians, academics and students who are committed to a peaceful resolution of the Kurdish issue and freedom of expression.

Since the government started operations giving as their reason the fight against the called Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), it is clear that they are using this as a pretext for oppression of organisations and individuals who have definitely no connection with FETÖ.

ÇHD is our partner in the struggle for the defence of Humans Rights. Since 1974, it has campaigned for respect and defence of human rights and the defence of oppressed peoples in Turkey. This is not the first case of government attacks against the dissidents. The trial of 22 other senior members of ÇHD has been underway since 2013. .

AED-EDL strongly condemns the arrest and detention of lawyer Özden SALDIRAN and demands her immediate release and the end of all unjustified persecution. AED-EDL demands furthermore that the Turkish government respects the professional work and role of lawyers, and complies in particular with Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as Article 16 and 18 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers.

Statement regarding the attack on the lawyer Günay Dag

The member of the Istanbul branch of ÇHD, lawyer Günay Dag, was subjected to torture a few days ago by guards of Maltepe juvenile’s prison acting under the orders of the prison governor while visiting one of his clients. His head was rammed against the wall and on the ground and as a result his fingers and head were injured. Afterwards he was dragged out of the prison on the floor.

It is worth remembering that Lawyer Günay Dag had gone to the prison to investigate the alleged torture of child detainees.

Obviously, even if there is a state of emergency (Decree having force of Law concerning the emergency measures – Decree Decision Number: KHK /667) the individuals’ rights must be inviolable (As amended on May 7, 2004; act 5170: Even under these circumstances the individual’s right to life, the integrity of his/her physical and mental existence shall be inviolable….) and the Article 17 of the Turkish Constitution says:

……No one shall be subjected to torture or mal-treatment; no one shall be subjected to penalties or treatment incompatible with human dignity.

It is evident that if lawyers cannot do their jobs in Turkey, it means that more children and more young people will be arrested because of their speech and thoughts and many people will be faced with torture. So this is not just a fight for the lawyers’ rights but is a fight for democracy and freedom, as defined by the case law of the ECHR. Nowadays we are facing a long-running attempt by the Turkish government to stifle human rights activism.

Our organisations work on the base of The Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers which have been adopted by the 8th congress of the United Nations in Havana (Cuba) between 27 August and 7 September 1990, which principles contain the following:

Whereas adequate protection of the human rights and fundamental freedoms to which all persons are entitled, be they economic, social and cultural, or civil and political, requires that all persons have effective access to legal services provided by an independent legal profession,

Whereas professional associations of lawyers have a vital role to play in upholding professional standards and ethics, protecting their members from persecution and improper restrictions and infringements, providing legal services to all in need of them, and cooperating with governmental and other institutions in furthering the ends of justice and public interest,

The Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, set forth below, which have been formulated to assist Member States in their task of promoting and ensuring the proper role of lawyers, should be respected and taken into account by Governments within the framework of their national legislation and practice and should be brought to the attention of lawyers as well as other persons, such as judges, prosecutors, members of the executive and the legislature, and the public in general. These principles shall also apply, as appropriate, to persons who exercise the functions of lawyers without having the formal status of lawyers.

And establish the following guarantees:

  1. Governments shall ensure that lawyers (a) are able to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; (b) are able to travel and to consult with their clients freely both within their own country and abroad; and (c) shall not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.
  2. Where the security of lawyers is threatened as a result of discharging their functions, they shall be adequately safeguarded by the authorities.

Likewise the Recommendation (Council of Europe) No. R(2000)21 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the freedom of exercise of the profession of lawyer sets the minimums of protection that are not being followed by the Turkish State.

As jurists we cannot accept this harassment of our colleague. Sadly, there is a long tradition of attacking the defence in Turkey. We must prevent the development of intimidation against lawyers and humans rights defenders.

This is why, in this situation the AED-EDL, the ELDH and the Foundation of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer condemn the actions against the civil and political rights of its citizens and lawyers occurring in Turkey by way of the use of state powers. And so:

I.- We call on our colleagues, friends, democrats, the chairman of the Turkish Union of Bar Associations and all chairmen and board members of the Bar Associations throughout Turkey to show solidarity with the lawyer Günay Dag.

II.- We demand that the governor and the prison guards must be investigated concerning these facts and prosecuted if necessary.

III.- We call upon the Turkish government to stop these practices against human rights defenders and lawyers.

IV.- Finally, we invite the Union of Bar Associations of Turkey to break its silence regarding the increasing attacks on lawyers and we invite the Istanbul Bar Association to support its member.

Harlem, Créteil, London, 16th October 2016.



Le déficit démocratique aujourd’hui en Turquie:

Des autocrates au pouvoir et de la répression.

Dès le 15 juin dernier plus de 40.000 personnes sont en prison, d’entre les 100.000 détenus à cause d’un Coup d’État qui reste une énigme politique de premier ordre. Actuellement on peut dire que :

Il existe une manipulation de tout mass media et la fermeture de maints journaux, radios, télévisons : donc, pas d’opposition médiatique aux consignes antidémocratiques et tyranniques des pouvoirs publics.

Les attaques aux parlementaires et aux maires de l’HDP et (parti Démocratique des Peuples) sont évidents.

Ainsi que les purges de fonctionnaires (3000 licenciés et 40.000 en attente de l’être).

Il existe des groupes paramilitaires et parapoliciers qui commencent à agir de partout.

Les Modifications urgentes du Procès pénal pour empêcher le libre exercice de la défense (s’il existait déjà avant le coup d’État) sont une réalité.

Les procès pénitentiaires ont été modifiés. La torture est très généralisée en prison et en garde-à-vue.

La mort civile des opposants moyennant la « freeze assets » complet qui leur fait impossible de même s’alimenter. Les passeports sont retirés aux suspects et à leurs familles qui deviennent ainsi des otages politiques.

Du point de vue du Droit de la défense la situation s’aggrave de jour en jour. Le Conseil Supérieur des Juges et Procureurs (HSYK) continue a être choisi/élu par le pouvoir exécutif, ce qui suppose un brisement du principe de la division des pouvoirs de l’État. Ce Conseil terrorise les Juges ou Magistrats qui ne suivent pas ses consignes politiques en prenant tout genre de représailles contre eux, en une attaque directe contre l’indépendance du pouvoir judiciaire. Viendra le tour des défendeurs des DH qui ont toujours subit une attention “spéciale” des pouvoirs politiques en Turquie.

Le Magistrats et les Avocats doivent faire face au péril de confrontation civile en Turquie. Le 29 octobre la ÇHD (Association de Avocats Progressistes en Turquie) tiendra une conférence à Izmir avec des associations de Magistrats pour analyser la situation et chercher des complicités qui apparaissaient difficiles auparavant.

Et finalement, les populations kurdes et les minorités nationales, culturelles ou religieuses souffrent de plus en plus et toujours la répression, le meurtre et l’oubli de l’Europe, enfermée dans son bastion aveugle face aux crimes contre l’humanité qui se produisent chaque jour au sud-est et ailleurs en Turquie.

Aussi face à cette situation l’AED condamne les actuations du Gouvernement turc limitant et contre les Droits Civils et politiques de ses citoyens et condamne de même les crimes contre l’Humanité qui se produisent en Turquie sous le paravent des pouvoirs étatiques.

Barcelona, Bruxelles, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Rome, Milano, Bilbao, Amsterdam

10 Octobre 2016

AED/EDL (Avocats Européens Démocrates / European Democratic Lawyers)

Membre adhéré en Turquie: ÇHD – Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği (Association de Avocats Progressistes) /

Statement on the possible reinstatement of the death penalty in Turkey

The right to life is guaranteed by all major international and regional human rights treaties. The European Court of Human Rights has interpreted the right to life as “an inalienable attribute of human beings” and a “supreme value in the international hierarchy of human rights”.[1]

The undersigned organisations believe that the abolition of the death penalty contributes to the fostering and protection of human dignity and the gradual development of a global culture of human rights.

The undersigned therefore condemn, in the strongest terms, any attempt to reinstate the death penalty in Turkey.

The undersigned insist on the fact that Turkey is a member of the Council of Europe and a signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights. Consequently, Turkey is bound by Protocols 6 and 13 of the Convention which abolish the death penalty. In Turkey, the last execution took place in 1984. The death penalty was abolished for ordinary crimes in 2002, and finally abandoned on 7 May 2004. In addition, in 2006, Turkey became the 57th State to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at the abolition of the death penalty.

Therefore, the undersigned call upon the Turkish government to respect its international commitments, reminding them that Turkey has supported the recent World Congress Against the Death penalty held on 21-23 June 2016 in Oslo.


Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE)

International Association of Lawyers (UIA)

European Bars Federation (FBE)

International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA)

European Democratic Lawyers (AED)


[1] European Court of Human Rights, Judgment in the case of Streletz, Kessler and Krenz v. Germany, 22 March 2001, in particular paragraphs 72, 85, 87 and 94.



Le droit à la vie est garanti par tous les traités internationaux et régionaux importants sur les droits de l’homme. La Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a interprété le droit à la vie comme un « attribut inaliénable de la personne humaine » et « la valeur suprême dans l’échelle des droits de l’homme sur le plan international »[1].


Les organisations signataires sont convaincues que l’abolition de la peine de mort contribue au renforcement et à la protection de la dignité humaine et au développement progressif d’une culture mondiale des droits de l’homme.


Elles condamnent dès lors, de la manière la plus ferme, toute tentative de rétablir la peine de mort en Turquie.


Les organisations signataires insistent fortement sur le fait que la Turquie est membre du Conseil de l’Europe et signataire de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme. Par conséquent, la Turquie est tenue de respecter les Protocoles 6 et 13 de la Convention qui abolissent la peine de mort. La dernière exécution ayant eu lieu en Turquie remonte à 1984. La peine de mort a été abolie pour les crimes de droit commun en 2002, avant d’être finalement abandonnée le 7 mai 2004. Par ailleurs, la Turquie est devenue en 2006, le 57État à ratifier le deuxième protocole facultatif se rapportant au Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques, visant à abolir la peine de mort.


Elles appellent le gouvernement turc à respecter ses engagements internationaux et rappelle que la Turquie a soutenu le récent Congrès mondial contre la peine de mort qui s’est tenu à Oslo du 21 au 23 juin 2016.

[1] Arrêt du 22 mars 2001 de la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme dans l’affaire Streletz, Kessler et Krenz c. Allemagne, en particulier les paragraphes 72, 85, 87 et 94.

European Lawyers demand: release MUNİP ERMIS immediately!

The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH) and the European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL) are gravely concerned about the news that the Vice President of CHD – Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği – (Progressive Lawyers Association), lawyer Münip Ermiş was taken into custody this morning. His house and his office were searched. His is the one of the names in a search warrant,which includes 26 lawyers.

For many years ÇHD is a member organisation of ELDH and AED and we know Mr. Münip Ermiş very well as an admirable lawyer who has defended many victims of human rights violations in Turkey.

This arrest is part of a pattern of terrorist persecutions that the Turkish government is bringing against its citizens- journalists, trade union members, human rights activists, members of parliament, academics and students who are committed to a peaceful solution of the Kurdish question and to freedom of speech.

Since the government started operations under the reason of their fights against the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), it is clear that they are using this as a pretext of oppression of organisations and individuals who have definitely no connection with FETÖ.

ÇHD is an association, which since 1974 has campaigned for the respect and defence of human rights and the defence of oppressed people in Turkey since 1974. ÇHD is an example of the principled and courageous advocacy in Turkey. This is not the first case of government attacks against ÇHD. The trial against 46 other high ranking ÇHD members is pending since 2013. ELDH is utmost concerned that the arrest of lawyer Münip Ermiş is another case against lawyers because they fulfil their professional functions.

ELDH and AED strongly condemn this operation against ÇHD’s Vice president, Münip Ermiş. ELDH and AED demand his immediate release and the end of all unjustified persecution. ELDH and AED demand furthermore that the Turkish government respects the professional work and role of lawyers in particular Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as Art. 16 and 18 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers. ELDH and AED offer their solidarity to the Turkish lawyers in their fight human rights and justice under the present Turkish regime.


London/Dusseldorf/Barcelona, 8th of September 2016




Attentats au Pakistan, les talibans font un carnage parmi les avocats.

Rassemblés devant les urgences de  l’hôpital pour rendre un ultime homage au Baronnier Bilal Answar Kasi, assassiné  la veille, les  avocats de la ville de Quéta dans la province du Baloutchistan, l’une des plus violentes du pays, ont  été pris pour cible par un kamikaze qui s’est fait explosé au milieu de la foule.

Le bilan est trés lourd. Au moins, 70 personnes ont  tuées et 120  blessées, sur une foule d’environ 200 avocats et journalistes, ce qui fait de cet attentat le deuxième plus meurtrier  depuis le début de l’année.

Le front Jamaat ul-Ahrar qui l’a revendiqué est l’un des groupes talibans les plus violents qui sévissent dans le pays. C’est également lui qui a revendiqué l’assassinat du Bâtonnier du Baloutchistan et qui vient d’annoncer de nouvelles actions encore plus violentes jusqu’à l’instauration d’un Etat islamique au Pakistan.

Les avocats sont réguliêrement ciblés dans la rêgion, particuliêrement ceux qui comme le Bâtonnier Bilal Answar Kasi et ses confrères venus lui rendre hommage, s’attèlent à la défense des droits de l’Homme. Or ils ne béneficient d’aucune  mesure de protection . Deux d’entre eux ont été assassinês cet été, dont le doyen de l’universitéde droit du Baloutchistan.

Le 13 août auront lieux des êlections pour élire un nouveau Batonnier. L’un des principaux candidats a trouvé la mort dans l’attentat. Il s’agit de l’ancien Bàtonnier Baz Muhammad Kakar , considéré comme particuliérement libéral lui aussi, qui se représentait  à nouveau.

L’AED demande souhaite manifester son profond soutien et ses condoléances à nos confrères du Baloutchistan et rêclame que des dispositions soit prises de toutes urgence pour assurer la sécurité des élections de ce 13 août et au-delà de cette date, pour permettre aux avocats du Baloutchistan et de toutes les provinces du Pakistan, d’exercer leur profession sans crainte pour leur sécuritê ou leur libertés.

L’AED suivra avec attention le déroulement des élections du 13 août.

Migrants outlawed- International Conference

International Conference SAF / AED on the 23rd and 24th of September 2016

​​Free movement within Europe … this ideal seems to be receding day by day, European governments are unable to implement a common policy for the accommodation of migrants and are taking instead increasingly hard and inhumane measures of expulsion and repression.

Faced with the Europeanization of restrictive migration policies, lawyers from different countries of the European Union need to discuss the situation in different areas in Europe as well as to exchange on their strategies and reflect on common European defence of migrants so that solutions may actually emerge, which are respectful of the rights and freedoms of migrants.

Every year, the SAF (Union of French Lawyers) organizes a symposium on a theme regarding migrants’ rights. Faced with the accelerated degradation of the situation of migrants in Europe, this year a major European conference has been organized in collaboration with the Association of European Democratic Lawyers.

What are the rights of migrants? What are the legal and social conditions at the gates of Europe? How to ensure that they can effectively assert their rights, file asylum applications or receive respectful conditions of accommodation, which conform to European standards of minimum guarantees for hosting asylum seekers?

The interventions of European lawyers, and the discussions that follow, will attempt to answer these questions while analysing various situations in Europe, particularly in Calais, Spain, Greece, Italy and, of course, in Turkey. This will enable participants to acquire the legal tools and knowledge of the concrete situations of migrants with the aim of improving their defence.

Update on Trials in Turkey

A colleague in Istanbul, the lawyer Elvan Olkun, has sent us an update of the trials taking place in Turkey at the moment:


12 lawyers, members of ÖHD (Özgürlükçü Hukukçular Derneği – Association of Lawyers for Freedom) are being tried in front of the 14th Penal Court of Istanbul 14th.

Two of the accused lawyers, Ramazan Demir and Ayşe Acinikli are detained since the 6th of April 2016. There also 38 other accused who are not lawyers. The accused lawyers are : Ramazan Demir, Ayşe Acinikli, Hüseyin Boğatekin, İrfan Araslan, Ayşe Gösterişlioğlu, Tamer Doğan, Mustafa Rüzgar, Sinan Zincir, Raziye Turgut, Ruhşen Mahmutoğlu, Şefik Çelik, Adem Çalişci.

They are accused of being members of the terrorist organization and/or making propaganda for a terrorist organization. The lawyers are accused because of the way they have been conducting their profession.

The next hearing will be heard before 14th Istanbul Penal Court on June 22nd, 2016 at 11.00, at Caglayan Courthouse situated in Sisli District of Istanbul.

It will be the first hearing since the prosecutor submitted his indictment. The purpose of the hearing will be to hear the initial defence of the defendants and submission of their representatives and to determine whether to release the detainees or not.

Ayse Acinikli and Ramazan Demir have been shown as nominees for number of international human rights awards. There have been several international campaigns inviting the authorities to release them but unfortunately they are still imprisoned.


II) The so-called  KCK Lawyers’ trial

This is one of the biggest trials against lawyers: 46 lawyers are being tried. Some of the lawyers had been detained for long time. During the trials detained lawyers have been released.

Lawyers are accused of being members of terrorist organization. The common point amongst these accused lawyers is that they have all been lawyers of Abdullah Öcalan.

The hearing will take place on the 28th of June 2016 in front of the 19th Istanbul Criminal Court.

The prosecutor and the court seem to be willing to come to an end as soon as possible You can find the summary of the indictment and some previous notes on the trial enclosed to this message.



The president of ÇHD, Selçuk Kozağaçlı, as well as other 8 members of the association are on trial. Nine of the accused lawyers had been detained for long time and then released.

The next hearing of this case will take place on the 5th October 2016 in front of the 23rd Istanbul Criminal Court.

The defence argues that the evidence presented is simply illegal and that the accusation is only based on political grounds. The defence asks the court to follow the origins of this illegal evidence and to remove it from the case file. The defence also asks the Court to interrogate all the witnesses itself, and not authorize different local courts to hear the witnesses.


These three trials against lawyers are based on political grounds. The accused lawyers are well known for representing the members of oppositional groups, representing the oppressed, women under threat, workers, students etc. Their work as lawyers disturbs the governing authorities.