International Fair Trial Day

The right to a fair trial has long been recognised by the international community as a fundamental human right.  Without a fair trial every individual risks becoming the victim of a miscarriage of justice.  Either as an innocent suspect wrongly convicted, or as a victim unable to secure justice for a wrong perpetrated against them.

Ebru Timtik was one of 18 lawyers in Turkey who were members of the Progressive Lawyers Association, some of which were working at the People’s Law Office, made subject to a prosecution in the Istanbul 37th Assize Court under Articles 314 and 220 of the Turkish Penal Code for terrorist offences. She and her colleagues were convicted on 20 March 2019 after a trial during which basic procedural safeguards and internationally recognised fair trial principles were ignored. Her conviction was based on the testimony of anonymous witnesses, many of which gave inconsistent testimony in relation to alleged facts and time periods. Documents allegedly obtained from government authorities in Belgium and Holland were never authenticated but they were nevertheless used as grounds for convictions without her lawyers having access to them. The originals of digital documents which were allegedly seized in a musical centre were also not made available to the defence lawyers. They could not see, analyse or challenge these documents which were never shown to have existed. Lawyers acting in her defence were frequently prevented from participating in the proceedings and in some circumstances were excluded.

The defects in the trial process led Ebru Timtik together with one of her colleagues, Aytaç Ünsal, to commence a “death fast” following a hunger strike which began on 5 April 2020, the Turkish “Day of the Lawyer”. Sadly, on 27 August 2020 Ebru Timtik died whilst continuing to protest both her innocence of the charges on which she had been convicted, and the lack of respect for fundamental fair trial principles in the criminal justice system which had prejudiced both her and her colleagues, and many thousands of other individuals in Turkey.

In recognition of her sacrifice, and in order to focus attention on the plight of those in countries around the globe who are facing prosecution in circumstances where fair trial principles are not being observed or respected, a number of international bar associations and lawyers organisations have come together to arrange an annual “International Fair Trial Day” which will be observed every year on 14 June.

Steps are also being undertaken to introduce a new annual Ebru Timtik Award to recognise an individual or an organisation who has or which has made an exceptional contribution towards securing fair trial rights in the country on which the International Fair Trial Day is focusing for the year in question. Each year a conference will be held, either online or at a physical location in a country chosen because of the level of concern with regard to the lack of respect for fair trial rights in that jurisdiction at that time. There will also be events in the countries across the word on each International Fair Trial Day to raise awareness of the situation in the focus country. The steering group consisting of Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE), European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH), European Bars Federation (FBE), European Democratic Lawyers (EDL-AED), French National Bar Council (CNB), International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL), International Association of Lawyers (UIA), International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute (IBAHRI), Italian National Bar Council (CNF), Law Society of England and Wales, Lawyers for Lawyers (L4L), Ayşe Bingöl Demir and Serife Ceren Uysal agreed that the first conference will be held as a virtual event on 14 June 2021 and will focus on fair trial rights in Turkey.

Sign and make vaccines & treatments a global public good

2020 was a year of remarkable human acts of solidarity. 

Be it from doing groceries for vulnerable neighbours to scientists working day and night to find a solution to end all of this.

Luckily, we can start 2021 with the hope of being close to a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine.

However, there are still lots of unanswered questions.

Pharmaceutical companies refuse to share their knowledge, although their research was funded with public money.

In fact, we risk paying millions for Big Pharma’s profits, money needed for our health systems. 90% of people in the lowest income countries likely won’t receive a vaccine in the next year.

We need to keep vaccines and treatments against COVID-19 affordable, safe and accessible to all.

That’s why AED-EDL supports the Right to Cure European Citizens’ Initiative.

We need 1 million signatures to make the European Commission assure that future COVID-19 vaccines and treatments will be a global public good, freely accessible to everyone, and drop deadly patents on life-saving vaccines and treatments. 

Sign the European Citizens Initiative

COVID-19 spreads like wildfire. Solutions must travel even faster. No one is safe until everyone has access to safe and effective treatments and vaccines.

We all have the right to a cure

We demand the immediate transfer of Dimitris Koufodinas to Korydallos Prison

Dimitris Koufodinas is serving multiple life sentences after being convicted as a member of the “Revolutionary Organization November 17th” (17N).

From 2002 onwards Dimitris Koufodinas was permanently detained in a special underground wing of the Korydallos prison (Athens) until he was transferred to the Volos agricultural detention facility in 2018. Although he had been entitled to temporary prison leaves since 2010, he was granted the first one in 2017 (and five more times thereafter). Since spring 2019, Koufodinas’ temporary prison leave has been denied on grounds of his political beliefs and his refusal to express remorse – something that is not a reason for refusing prison leave under Greek law, confirmed in 2019 by the Areos Pagos, the highest Greek court.

Last autumn a law was passed with a provision that those convicted of “terrorist” crimes are excluded from custody leave and from serving their sentences in agricultural prisons. The only convict of this category who was in an agricultural prison was Koufodinas. During the legislative debate in Parliament, he was personally named as the addressee of this law.

On December 23, 2020, Koufodinas was transferred from the agricultural prison to Domokos prison. There he was locked together with two other prisoners in a suffocating small cell.

Dimitris Koufodinas, now 63 years old, is experiencing an essential worsening in his detention conditions, with severe consequences for his mental and physical health (the latter is weakened because of the hunger strikes to which he proceeded in the past).

The transfer to Domokos prison violated even the provisions of the aforementioned “anti-him-only” law, as he should have been returned to Korydallos, where he had been held for the first 16 years of his imprisonment. The ministry issued a written confirmation with false claims. Accordingly, he was moved to Korydallos and then with a new decision to Domokos, but in reality he was driven straight away to Domokos.

After the deliberately inaccurate confirmation of the Ministry, on Jan 8, 2021 Dimitris Koufontinas decided to protest against these methods and to demand to be transferred to Korydallos, as provided for in the recent law, and to go on hunger strike. His health condition has deteriorated rapidly since.

Today he is under medical observation in the Lamia hospital since from time to time he loses consciousness. We call for the transfer of Dimitris Koufontinas to the Korydallos Prison and to end his systematically discriminatory treatment.

Athens, 13th of February 2021

Joint Letter on Oya Aslan

To the president of
Istanbul 37. Heavy Penal Court No: 2020/247

Düsseldorf, Barcelona, Vienna, Brussels. 11.01.2020


We, the undersigned international lawyers’ associations, have for many years condemned the criminal prosecutions and investigations targeted against lawyers in Turkey and internationally for performing the duties of their profession and representing people opposed or allegedly opposed to government policies.

Ten lawyers from the Peoples’ Law Office and other members of the Progressive Lawyers Association have been in prison for more than three and half years. Eighteen lawyers from the Progressive Lawyers Association were sentenced to a total of 159 years and 2 months imprisonment following an unjust trial. Their right to defense and right to a fair trial were violated from the beginning to the end. The Turkish Supreme Court affirmed the unlawful convictions for fifteen of the accused lawyers. We have already published a detailed report on this ongoing prosecution and in this report we underlined that there are significant and unacceptable violations of the European Convention. Our report can be accessed via:

During their incarceration, lawyers Ebru Timtik and Aytac Ünsal mounted a hunger strike to protest the unlawfulness of their convictions and demanded a fair trial for themselves and for every other person arrested. Tragically, Ebru Timtik died on the 238th day of her hunger strike. On the other hand, Aytac Ünsal, who was conditionally released by the Supreme Court due to his critical health condition, was arrested once again while his medical treatment was still going on. His mother, Nermin Ünsal – who is a former judge and a lawyer – reported that he is not able to access his medicines or consult with his doctors. Together with the threat posed by the covid-19 epidemic, his health is under a serious risk.

Oya Aslan is one of the defendants in this very same case. She is a member of Progressive Lawyers Association and worked in the Peoples` Law Office. She was arrested on December 27, 2019. She was subjected to torture during her detention and this appalling and outrageous situation was observed and reported upon by the international trial observers. The trial observers also reported that she demanded the court to make a complaint about the torture, however the court rejected her demand and did not take any action.

It is obvious that the Turkish government does not follow its domestic law, and it also systematically violates the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (known as the Havana Principles). Under these principles, “Governments shall ensure that lawyers are able to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference.” In addition, “Where the security of lawyers is threatened as a result of discharging their functions, they shall be adequately safeguarded by the authorities.” But it is the Turkish government that is threatening the security of these lawyers for discharging their functions. The principles further provide, “Lawyers shall not be identified with their clients or their clients’ causes as a result of discharging their functions.”

Governments are obliged to remove obstacles to the professional activity of lawyers and they should prevent any kind of harassment or unlawful interference against lawyers. However, in Turkey the harassment of the legal profession has become the policy of the government itself.

We demand once again from your respected court to live up to its obligations under the law. We also demand the immediate release of Oya Aslan and all the other detained lawyers. Turkey must stop harassing lawyers and bar associations who are on the front lines of providing the right to defense. The hearing that is scheduled to be held on 12.01.2021 should open the window to reverse the ongoing unlawful implementation of the law. Your respected court has the chance to take a step forward for the rule of law, fair trial rights and the protection of lawyers. It is apparent that such a decision will be remembered as a natural, yet courageous, act of the court.

International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL)
Avocat.e.s Européen.nes Démocrates / European Democratic Lawyers (AED / EDL) European Association of Lawyers for Democracy & World Human Rights (ELDH)

AYTAÇ ÜNSAL has to be released

Berlin, Barcelona, Madrid, Utrecht, Paris, Rome, Brussels, Athens, 16th December 2020

It is unacceptable that lawyer Aytaç Ünsal, convicted in an unfair trial, has been tortured and sent to prison despite his health conditions. Our colleague has to be released immediately.

People’s Lawyer Aytaç Ünsal, was taken into custody in Edirne in the evening of the 9th of December 2020. Previously, on the 3rd of September 2020, he had been released by the Court of Cassation, which postponed the execution of his sentence due to the deterioration of his health as a result of his long hunger strike (213 days) demanding the right to a fair trial. The other lawyer who went on hunger strike with him, Ebru Timtik, died from her prolonged fast.  

Recently, on the 23rd of November, police raided the house where Aytaç Ünsal was being treated. The raid put him on high risk of infection due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the collapse of his already weak immune system. Furthermore, Aytaç Ünsal’s colleagues, who were present in the house during the police raid, were also detained and their belongings plundered.

Aytaç Ünsal, in very fragile health conditions as a result of the hunger strike, was tortured by the political police when he was taken into custody in Edirne. Our colleague was taken off the vehicle and laid on the ground, stepped on, and his head hit the asphalt ground. Due to this fall, Aytaç Ünsal’s face and various parts of his body were injured.

AED/EDL calls on the Turkish authorities to restore the rule of law and stop the practice of targeting lawyers. By aggressing the Defence, personified in this case by Aytaç Ünsal, Turkish authorities are in fact attacking the rule of law and human rights in Turkey.

It must be highlighted that Aytaç Ünsal has been attacked in his role as a human rights defender and we therefore call on the Turkish authorities to let him, as well as all other lawyers, to work freely and safely.

The international community is alarmed by the way Turkish judiciary displays, especially in terrorism-related cases, unprecedented levels of disregard for even the most basic principles of law, such as presumption of innocence, the necessity of a crime to justify a punishment, the non-retroactivity of crimes and the principle of non bis in idem (that is, not being judged for the same facts twice, as is the case in two ÇHD trials). At the same time, procedural guarantees such as adversarial proceedings, equality of arms and the right to a lawyer, are clearly and permanently eroded in these trials against lawyers.

Therefore, we call on the Turkish authorities to guarantee the independence of lawyers, and to protect procedural fair-trial guarantees. Furthermore, we raise concerns about recent developments jeopardising the effectiveness of the defense of human rights in Turkey. We stress the importance of civil society organisations and human rights defenders in a democratic society, as a vital and fundamental body for the defence of fundamental rights.

Finally, AED/EDL would like to draw attention to the worrying information we have received concerning the arrest and detention of human rights lawyers working for the non-governmental organization People’s Law Office (HALKIN HUKUK BÜROSU) under accusations of membership in a terrorist organization.

According to the information received:

We express grave concern regarding the allegations of arrest and prosecution under accusation of membership in a terrorist organization of the above-mentioned lawyers of the People’s Law Office. Moreover, serious concern is expressed at the mounting number of human rights defenders and lawyers under investigation for alleged links to terrorist organizations in Turkey, which seems to evidence a pattern of using this type of offence to target individuals and organizations legitimately expressing dissent with the policies of the current Turkish Government.

We declare the detention of this Human Rights defendants arbitrary, and we demand the Turkish Government to take all necessary measures to guarantee their right not to be deprived arbitrarily of their liberty and to ensure fair proceedings before an independent and impartial court, in accordance with articles 9, 10 and 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by Turkey on 23 September 2003.

We would also like to draw attention to the Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, which stipulate that governments have the duty to ensure that lawyers are able to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference, and that lawyers shall not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics (Principle 16).

We would lastly like to highlight the fundamental principles set forth in articles 1 and 2 of the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders, which provide for the right to promote and to strive for the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

In view of the urgency of the matter, we urge the Turkish authorities to safeguard the rights and life of lawyer Aytaç Ünsal, in compliance with international instruments and to free him immediately.

We urge the Turkish authorities to provide clear information on the measures adopted to respect the fundamental rights and life of Aytaç Ünsal.

Founded in 1987, the Association of European Democratic Lawyers (AED) is a confederation of trade unions and lawyers’ organizations with the same democratic, modern and humane ideals in Europe. The AED intends to defend the rights of citizens by preserving the independence of lawyers with regard to any political, social, economic or ordinal power. As a professional organization, its international purpose is to ensure respect for the rights of the defense and, in particular, to safeguard the physical integrity and political and economic freedom of lawyers. The association also works to ensure that all individuals have access to national and international judicial appeals, particularly those who are in the most precarious situations and whose basic rights are not recognized or poorly recognized.


– Syndicat des Avocats de France (S.A.F.- France)

– Republikanischer Anwältinnen und Anwälteverein (RAV – Germany)

– Associació Catalana per a la Defensa dels Drets Humans (A.C.D.D.H- Catalonia)

– De Vereniging Sociale Advokatuur Nederland (VSAN – Holland)

– Syndicat des Avocats pour la Démocratie (S.A D. – Belgium)

– Asociación Libre de Abogados y Abogadas (ALA – Madrid)

– Legal Team Italia (L.T.I. – Italy)

– Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği (ÇHD – Turkey)


– Komaleye Hıquqnasên ji bo azadiyê (ÖHD – Kurdish)

twitter: @AED_EDL


Open statement in connection with the detention of Belarusian lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak

September 10, 2020

We express our deep concern at the detention of lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak on September 9, 2020, in Belarus, in a criminal case which is undeniably politically motivated. We consider this to be a gross violation and interference with their professional legal activities and with their rights to express professional opinions, as established by international legal standards. This case is a direct consequence of a dire situation, problems and violations of professional rights of attorneys and lawyers and overall functioning of the legal profession in the Republic of Belarus. These problems were highlighted by both international organizations and representatives of the legal community before.[1]

According to information posted on the website of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, “the investigation of the criminal case opened by the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Belarus under Part 3 of Art. 361 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus. At the moment, in the course of the investigation, evidence has been obtained that testify to the commission by individuals of a non-governmental organization called the Coordination Council, actions aimed at destabilizing the socio-political, economic situation and public awareness in the country, causing harm to the national security of the Republic of Belarus. These actions were carried out using the media and internet resources. With regard to the suspects Maria Kolesnikova and Maksim Znak, with the approval of the prosecutor, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention. Ilya Salei was also detained on suspicion of committing this crime.”[2]

However, detained Ilya Salei is a lawyer of Maria Kolesnikova, one of the leaders of the Belarusian protest movement and a member of the Presidium of the Coordination Council, who is also in jail.[3] Second detained lawyer Maksim Znak was representing Viktor Babariko, who ran for the President of the Republic of Belarus, but was not allowed to register as a candidate and was recognized as a political prisoner. Maksim Znak was also an attorney for the former presidential candidate Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, on whose behalf he created the Coordination Council. As a member of the Presidium of the Coordinating Council, Maxim Znak was providing legal assistance as an attorney. Maxim Znak’s lawyer Dmitry Laevsky notes: “all his statements, appeals, comments were public, transparent, their content was absolutely legal and did not carry any illegal intentions.”[4]

We would like to emphasize that, in accordance with the United Nation’s Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers[5], governments must ensure that lawyers can perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment, or improper interference. Lawyers, like other citizens, are entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly. In particular, they have the right to take part in public discussion of matters concerning the law, the administration of justice and the promotion and protection of human rights, and to join or form local, national or international organizations and attend their meetings, without suffering professional restrictions by reason of their lawful actions or their membership in a lawful organization.

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee appealed to the UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers with a report about the situation of lawyers Maksim Znak and Ilya Salei.[6] The report called for urgent action to be taken in connection with the detention of the lawyers and requested to send an urgent message to the Government of Belarus on the need to comply with the Basic Principles concerning the role of lawyers.

Belarusian lawyers and jurists have made an open statement in connection with the detention of their colleagues.[7]

We also demand from the authorities of the Republic of Belarus to:

– immediately release lawyers Maksim Znak and Ilya Salei and comply with international legal standards of the independence of legal profession and the exercise of the right to defense;

– stop the persecution of lawyers and attorneys who are exercising their constitutional right of free expression by expressing their opinions[8] while performing professional functions;

– strictly observe the provisions of Art. 62 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus: “everyone has the right to exercise and protect rights and freedoms, including the right to use at any time the assistance of lawyers and their other representatives in court, other state bodies, local government bodies, at enterprises, institutions, organizations, public associations and in relations with officials and citizens. Opposition to the provision of legal assistance in the Republic of Belarus is prohibited by law.”[9]

Download in English and Russian


  1. Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Poland
  2. ARTICLE 19, United Kingdom
  3. The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe
  4. The Bar Association of Luxembourg
  5. The Swedish Bar Association
  6. The French and German speaking bars association of Belgium AVOCATS.BE
  7. The European Association of Lawyers AEA-EAL
  8. Lawyers for Lawyers, The Netherlands
  9. FIDH – International Federation for Human Rights
  10. Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights YUCOM, Serbia
  11. OMCT World Organisation Against Torture
  12. Human Rights House Foundation, Norway
  13. Centre de la protection internationale, France
  14. Human Rights Monitoring Institute, Lithuania
  15. International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR), Belgium
  16. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee
  17. Freedom Now, USA
  18. Crude Accountability, USA
  19. All-Ukrainian Association of Lawyers Providing Free Legal Aid – Odesa Division, Ukraine
  20. Center for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights, Russia
  21. Pskov Regional Human Rights Environmental Public Movement “Svobodnyi Bereg”, Russia
  22. Kharkiv Regional Foundation Public Alternative, Ukraine
  23. German-Russian Exchange in St. Petersburg
  24. Stichting CAAT Projects, The Netherlands
  25. MEMORIAL Deutschland e. V. Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte, Germany
  26. Legal Policy Research Center, Kazakhstan
  27. Public Association Dignity, Kazakhstan
  28. Human Rights Movement “Bir Duino-Kyrgyzstan”
  29. Belarusian Helsinki Committee
  30. Human Constanta, Belarus
  31. Center for Participation and Development, Georgia
  32. Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly – Vanadzor, Armenia
  33. Association of Ukrainian Human Rights Monitors on Law Enforcement, Ukraine
  34. SOVA Center for Information and Analysis, Russia
  35. Souchastiye v Sud’be, Blagotvoritel’nyy Tsentr, Russia
  36. Human Rights Embassy, Moldova
  37. Libereco Partnership for Human Rights, Germany
  38. Public Verdict Foundation, Russia
  39. Human Rights Group “Grazhdanin, armia, pravo”, Russia
  40. DRA – German-Russian Exchange, Germany
  41. Social Action Centre, Ukraine
  42. Helsinki Committee of Armenia
  43. Helsinki association, Armenia
  44. Macedonian Helsinki Committee
  45. Swedish OSCE-network
  46. Albanian Helsinki Committee
  47. Bulgarian Helsinki Committee
  48. Women of the Don, Russia
  49. Moscow Helsinki Group, Russia
  50. Human Rights House Zagreb, Croatia
  51. Human Rights Center, Georgia
  52. Mogilev Human Rights Center, Belarus
  53. Netherlands Helsinki Committee
  54. Human Rights Center ZMINA, Ukraine
  55. The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House
  56. “Ekumena” Center, Belarus
  57. Youth Memorial – Perm, Russia
  58. Human Rights House in Chernihiv, Ukraine
  59. The Georgian Centre for Psychosocial and Medical Rehabilitation of Torture Victims
  60. Östgruppen – Swedish initiative for democracy and human rights, Sweden
  61. IDP Women Association Consent, Georgia
  62. Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Kazakhstan
  63. Czech Bar Association, The Czech Republic (tbc)
  64. Civil Initiative Against Lawlessness in Courts and Prosecutor’s Office, Belarus
  65. AED-EDL (Avocat.e.s Européennes Démocrates / European Democratic Lawyers), Barcelona, Spain
  66. Freedom House, USA
  67. Independent Social Ecological Movement – NESEHNUTI, Brno, The Czech Republic
  68. Stichting CAAT Projects, the Netherlands
  69. La Asociación Libre de Abogados, Spain
  70. RAW for Women and Girl Survivors of War (Raw in War)
  71. Citizens Network Watchdog, Poland
  72. ORDRE DES AVOCATS DE PARIS / Paris Bar, France
  73. The Сouncil of the Warsaw Bar Association of Advocates, Poland
  74. Russian LGBT Network
  75. Board of the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum
  76. Freedom of Religion and Believe – FORB, Belarus
  77. Human Rights Center Memorial, Russia

[1] See,

[2] See

[3] Coordination Council – public initiative, created with the goal of overcoming political crisis in Belarus and ensuring peace and understanding, and also for protection of sovereignty and independence of the republic of Belarus. More information about the Council please see

[4] See

[5] Adopted by the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Havana, Cuba, 27 August to 7 September 1990, see

[6] See


[8] Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus

[9] See

Covid-19 – No time to lose ! – Why imprisoned lawyers must be released immediately

The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and Human Rights (ELDH) and the European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL) are European lawyers’ organisations with members in over 20 European countries, including Turkey. Both organisations have been monitoring court cases in Turkey for many years, especially the mass trials against lawyers of their two member organisations ÇHD – Çagdas Hukukular Dernegi – (Progressive Lawyers Association) and ÖHD – Ozgurlukcu Hukukcular Dernegi – OHD (Association of Lawyers for Freedom). The foundation The Day of the Endangered Lawyer’s goal is to promote the unobstructed practice of the lawyers’ profession anywhere in the world who, under repressive regimes come to the defence or support of clients whose human rights are at stake.

Currently, 7 lawyers of the CHD are detained (Selçuk Kozağaçlı, Behiç Aşçı, Engin Gökoğlu, Aytaç Ünsal, Aycan Çiçek, Barkın Timtik, Oya Aslan, Ebru Timtik; Sulçuk Kozağaçlı is the ÇHD President, a human rights attorney who received several Human Rights Awards. and Doğukan Ünlü, Halil İbrahim Vargül, Semra Özbingöl Çelik are lawyers of the ÖHD.

The worldwide spread of the C-19 epidemic does not stop at the prison gates. On the contrary, the overcrowding of prisons increases the risk of proliferation among prisoners and staff. The Turkish government has therefore rightly decided to release almost a third of the more than 300,000 prisoners from prison or place them under house arrest. However, those accused of supporting, being a member of or leading a terrorist organization are excluded from this measure. This decision also affects lawyers who, in the exercise of their professional duties, have represented alleged terror supporters in court.

The lawyers began a hunger strike on Feb. 3 in protest of the lengthy jail sentences imposed on them for terrorism charges and after the 30th day of the hunger strike, 4 of them announced a break. Presently 4 lawyers (Ebru Timtik, Barkın Timtik, Oya Aslan, Aytaç Ünsal), who are all members of the Progressive Lawyers’ Association (ÇHD), are on a hunger strike in prison, demanding a fair trial and justice for themselves and for their clients. All the lawyers were arrested in a September 2018 operation. Two of the lawyers have announced to start fasting to death on the 5th of April, that is the Day of Lawyers in Turkey.

Lawyers around the world and human rights representatives of international organisations have repeatedly appealed to the all governments to release prisoners as far as possible.

  • The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights urged governments and relevant authorities to work quickly to reduce the number of people in detention.
  • 32 Turkish bar associations demanded on 19 March 2020 that the Turkish government takes appropriate measures to protect the lives of the detainees from the spreading C-19 epidemic and to release them. The bar associations explicitly mentioned lawyers who have been imprisoned for political reasons.
  • Last week, more than 70 lawyers from all over the world followed the call of the International Association of Democratic Lawyer (IADL), of the two European Lawyers Associations ELDH, AED-EDL, and of the Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers (England) for a video conference in solidarity with lawyers imprisoned for political reasons in Turkey, with interventions from Ayşe Bingöl of the Turkey Human Rights Litigation Support Project, Barbara Spinelli of Giuristi Democratici, and Şerife Ceren Uysal, of the Progressive Lawyers Alliance (ÇHD). The lawyers unanimously called for the immediate release of the lawyers detained in Turkey.

The Turkish Government should bear in mind:

  • Although the official number of victims of C-19 in Turkey is still relatively low, Turkey is the country with the fastest increase in the number of victims.
  • The lives of the imprisoned lawyers, including 8 lawyers of the ÇHD and 3 lawyers of the ÖHD, are acutely endangered by the spreading C-19 Pandemic and the prison conditions in Turkey.
  • Because of Ebru Timtik’s hunger strike against unjustified conviction, which has already lasted 90 days for (over 60 days for 3 of them) , her organism is weakened and the risk of death in case of infection is significantly increased. This also applies to the other 2 lawyers who have announced to start the fasting to death on April 5, 2020
  • Many observers of the trials against ÇHD and ÖHD lawyers came to the conclusion that the accusations lack any factual basis and were based on incorrect assessment of the evidence. They expressed severe doubts concerning compliance with the fair trial standards of the ECHR and the independence of the tribunals.
  • Even the competent Turkish court, initially had no reservations about releasing the defendants from custody during the ongoing proceedings. They were released. Only after a questionable exchange of judges was detention ordered again. There is therefore no justification for endangering the lives of the lawyers by the increased risk to them in detention.
  • The lawyers concerned have not yet been finally convicted. They have all appealed against their conviction. As long as the proceedings continue, they must not be treated as if their guilt had been finally adjudicated.

Under these circumstances, the immediate release of the detained lawyers is the imperative for the government if it is not to be responsible for serious damage to the health or even death of the detainees.



European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH),Thomas Schmidt (lawyer), Secretary General , Platanenstrasse 13, 40233 – Düsseldorf, Germany
PHONE +49 – 211 – 444 001, MOBILEPHONE +49 – 172 – 6810888, Email, Web
Day of the Endangered Lawyer Foundation , Hans Gaasbeek, International coordinator Nieuwe Gracht 5a, NL 2011 NB Haarlem, Netherlands, Telephone: +31 (023) 531 86 57,,Email:, Web:
European democratic lawyers federation (AED-EDL), Robert Sabata Gripekoven,
Col·legiat 20381 ICAB C/ Provença, 332, 3er, 08037 – Barcelona
tel / fax (+34) 93 457 83 58, mòbil (+34) 619 30 43 77, ,

Imprisoned Lawyers in Turkey: how can we show solidarity?


How to show solidarity with the situation of lawyers in Turkey? Most of the initiatives of the next months have been cancelled or postponed, to explore the possibilities of continuing our political work you are invited to participate in a zoom conference on Thursday 2nd of April.








(La versión en español más abajo)


As European Democratic Lawyers we are deeply concerned about the proceedings against two minors and a nineteen-year old, who have been under investigation by Maltese authorities for almost a year.


The context

In the night from 25th to 26th of March 2019, a rubber boat left Libya with approximately 114 people on board, including 20 women and at least 15 children. The boat was rescued by the oil tanker El Hiblu 1. A few hours later, the rescuees realized they were being returned to Libya.

As described by testimonies, scenes of despair and panic started, with many shouting that they would rather die at sea than be returned to Libya. According to the information gathered by Amnesty International, at no point during the journey did the rescues engage in any violent action against the captain, the chief officer or any other member of the crew. While the precise circumstances of the events on the El Hiblu 1 will be established at a later stage, nevertheless the responsible crewmembers of El Hiblu 1 decided to direct the vessel towards Malta. Maltese military escorted the ship to Malta where the passengers disembarked.

Three of the 108 rescued passengers – two minors (15 and 16 year old at the time) as well as a nineteen year old teenager were immediately arrested and imprisoned for eight months. They were released on bail in the end of November, 2019 and are known as the El Hiblu 3.

Maltese authorities charged the three teenagers with a series of grave offences, including acts of terrorism as well as for allegedly hijacking the ship and forcing it to go to Malta. Some of these crimes are punishable with life imprisonment. A inquiry is ongoing in Malta to gather evidence, which will be submitted to the court once the Attorney General issues a formal indictment against the youth.


The association AED is concerned that Maltese authorities are not appropriately taking into account European and International law, including the fundamental rights of refugees and migrants in distress at sea and the human rights of vulnerable groups like minors.


As lawyers we would like to underline the regulations to be followed:


Sea rescue to a place of safety (POS) is a fundamental right

  1. The Law of the Sea and international customary law contain the obligation to rescue at sea and determine how this is to be carried out in detail
  2. According to the Hamburg Convention, followed by others, a place of safety[1] is the place where rescue operations are considered to terminate because the survivors’ life is no longer under threat and their basic human needs (such as food, shelter and medical needs) can be met, a place of safety in no way jeopardises their fundamental rights, since the notion of ‘safety’ extends beyond mere protection from physical danger and takes into account the fundamental rights of the place of disembarkation. The need to avoid disembarkation in territories where the lives and freedoms of those alleging a well-founded fear of persecution would be threatened has to be taken in consideration as a legal principle of international and European law.


  1. International agreement, which includes the EU, state Libya, very clearly, is not a place of safety for the disembarkation of refugees and migrants rescued at sea. UN and European human rights reports document systematic human rights violations against migrants in Libya, including unlawful killings, arbitrary detention, torture and inhuman detention conditions, alarming rates of malnutrition, sexual and gender-based violence including gang rape, slavery, forced labour and extortion.[2]


  1. In addition, EU Member States have to respect their obligations under international refugee law (non-refoulement principle of the 1951 Refugee Convention) and human rights law: the protection against torture and inhuman and degrading treatment as an absolute right and the right to life based on the European Convention on Human Rights/ ECHR. According to ECHR settled case law, the security of the place of safety refers principally to the physical security of the individuals involved but also, to the effective possibility to request asylum. These obligations exist wherever states exercise jurisdiction in the meaning of effective and exclusive control, including places outside their territory e.g. on the high seas.[3] In the light of these clear responsibilities resulting from the ECHR, likewise the principle of non-refoulement of the Refugee Convention has to be interpreted in the same manner: the principle of non-refoulement binds states in each moment of effective and exclusive control.


  1. Taking the above into consideration, any instruction of a State to disembark rescued people in Libya is an unlawful order and a violation of several international and European laws. On the one side non-state vessels and their shipmasters have the duty and obligation to obey lawful orders on the other side they have the legal obligation to the national constitutions and domestic laws not to become partner in crime and not to obey unlawful instructions violating international and human rights law. Confronted with these conflicting obligations they are independent not to obey unlawful orders and the people who issue them. Since the Nuremberg trials following World War II, it is clear that individuals must not obey orders of state representatives if these orders violate international and human rights law: “The justification for acts done pursuant to orders does not exist if the order was of such a nature that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know it to be illegal.”[4]


  1. Considering the above mentioned legal situation the refugees on board of the El Hiblu 1 acted to defend their right to life and their absolute right of not being subjected to torture, rape, slavery and other cruel and inhuman treatment, as forbidden in international and human rights treatis. In a similar case the Tribunal of Trapani acknowledged the proportionality of the defendants’ acts, since the right to life and not to be subject to inhuman or degrading treatments cannot be limited by the right of the crew. In the eyes of the judge, if such defensive actions had not been taken, the migrants would have been surely brought back to Libya; the naturally necessity of those actions has to be acknowledged since the defendants did not have the possibility to escape the vessel and its destination.[5] Especially important in the El Hiblu Case is the young age of the minors who tried to save their and the life of all other people on board having in mind what would happen to them when they returned to the “hell of Libya”. There are strong indications that their acting on board was justified under the legal institute of self-defence.


AED calls on Maltese authorities

  • to fully implement all obligations stemming from international, European, human rights and refugee-law as well as the obligation regarding the UN Convention on the rights of the child;
  • to respect the right of justified self-defence against unlawful acts subjecting people to torture, rape, slavery and other cruel and inhuman treatment forbidden in international and human rights law;
  • to ensure that fair trial guarantees are fully upheld;
  • to ensure, that the defendants have adequate access to all their rights without any kind of restriction;
  • to recognize that the defendants are vulnerable minors with special needs to be met and to implement all obligations resulting from the UN Convention on the rights of the child in this regard;
  • to stop any kind of cooperation with Libya on migration, ensuring the respect of the rights of refugees and migrants in the country.


  • We therefore strongly recommend the establishment on an independent trial observation regarding the criminal proceedings against the “El Hiblu 3”. We call on democratic society to observe the trial and the future of these youngsters.



Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Berlin, Brussels, Athens

[1]               1979 Hamburg Convention, which provides that the State that conducts a rescue operation – even if not in the SAR zone of its competence – is responsible for the landfall and the disembarkation of the individuals in a safe harbour (the so called place of safety, POS); two supplementary protocols to the SOLAS Convention (Ris. MSC. 153 (78), 20 May 2004) and the SAR Convention (Ris. MSC. 155 (78), 20 May 2004), which entered into force on 1 July 2006 and the Guidelines in the Treatment of Persons Rescued at Sea, IMO Resolution MSC.167(78), 10. Mai 2004, IMO Doc. MSC 78/26/Add.2, Annex 34; (IMO, Facilitation Committee, Principles Relating to Administrative Procedures for Disembarking Persons Rescued at Sea, IMO Doc. FAL.3/Circ.194, 22. January 2009; Council of Europe, Res. 1821(2011) on the Interception and rescue at sea of asylum seekers,refugees and irregular migrants, 21th of June 2011)


[3]               ECtHR (GC), Hirsi Jamaa et al. v. Italy, Ap.No.27765/09, 23.02.2012, para 73, 76 et seqq

[4]               United States v. Keenan, Court of Military Appeals, 39 C.M.R. 108, 110 (1969)

[5]               Date of Decision: 23-05-2019, Tribunal of Trapani/ Italy,




Como abogados y abogadas europeos/as demócratas deseamos mostrar nuestra preocupación por las diligencias de investigación abiertas por las autoridades de la Republica de Malta (país integrante de la UE) contra dos menores y un joven de 19 años desde hace casi un año.


El contexto


En la noche del 25 al 26 de marzo de 2019, una patera, embarcación de goma, que había partido de Libia con aproximadamente 114 personas, incluyendo 20 mujeres y al menos 15 menores fue rescatada por el buque de aprovisionamiento de combustible El Hiblu 1. Varias horas mas tarde los rescatados de la patera comprobaron que les llevaban a Libia. Por los testimonios descritos, se produjeron escenas de desesperación y pánico con protestas en los que se gritaba que preferían morir en el mar que retornar a Libia. Según información recabada por Amnistía Internacional, en ningún momento durante el trayecto hubo acciones violentas contra el capitán, el primer oficial, o ningún otro miembro de la tripulación. Con independencia de que las concretas circunstancias producidas a bordo de El Hiblu 1 sean declaradas probadas mas adelante, lo cierto es que los responsables de la tripulación decidieron llevar su embarcación hacia Malta, al tiempo que militares malteses acompañaron al buque a la costa de Malta donde los pasajeros desembarcaron.


Tres de los 108 pasajeros, dos menores de 15 y 16 años (edad a marzo de 2019) así como un joven de 19 años fueron inmediatamente detenidos y enviados a prisión donde permanecieron durante ocho meses, momento en el que fueron puestos en libertad bajo fianza a finales de noviembre de 2019 y a los que se les conoce como los “Los tres de El Hiblu 1″. Las autoridades de Malta acusan a los tres jóvenes de una serie de delitos graves, incluidos supuestos delitos de terrorismo y de secuestro del barco, obligándolo a dirigirse a Malta. Algunos de estos delitos llevan aparejadas condenas de prisión perpetua. La investigación esta llevándose a cabo y llegará al Juzgado una vez el Fiscal General formalice el escrito de acusación contra los tres jóvenes.


AED muestra su preocupación puesto que las autoridades de Malta no están teniendo en cuenta, de manera adecuada, la normativa europea e internacional, incluyendo el derecho fundamental de las personas refugiadas y migrantes en situación de peligro en el mar y los derechos humanos de grupos vulnerables como los/as niños/as integrantes de la embarcación.


Como letrados y letradas quisiéramos apuntar la distinta normativa que tendrá que tenerse en cuenta puesto que el rescate a un puerto seguro es un derecho fundamental:


1.-El Derecho del Mar y la costumbre internacional contiene la obligación de salvamento marítimo y determina en detalle como se debe realizar.


2.- Según las Reglas de Hamburgo y demás normativa, un lugar seguro [Place of Safety- POS- en su acepción en inglés][1] es un lugar donde las operaciones de rescate pueden darse por finalizadas puesto que la vida de los supervivientes no corre ya peligro y sus necesidades humanas básicas, tales como la alimentación, cobijo y necesidades sanitarias son garantizadas, es decir un lugar seguro no puede poner en peligro sus derechos fundamentales, puesto que la seguridad (safety en su acepción en inglés) abarca mas allá que la mera protección del peligro físico y tiene en consideración los derechos fundamentales del lugar del desembarco.


La necesidad de evitar el desembarco de aquellas personas, que aleguen un motivo fundado de temor a ser perseguidas, en territorios donde sus vidas y libertades puedan suponer una amenaza deber ser tenido en cuenta como principio legal del Derecho europeo y el Derecho internacional.


3.- Acuerdo internacional, que incluye a la UE, expone que Libia no es en absoluto un lugar seguro para el desembarco de personas refugiadas y migrantes rescatadas en el mar. Los informes europeos y de NNUU sobre los derechos humanos informan de una sistemática violación de los derechos humanos contra migrantes en Libia, e incluye ejecuciones extrajudiciales, detenciones arbitrarias, torturas y condiciones de detención inhumanas, cifras alarmantes de malnutrido, violencia sexual y por razones de genero que incluyen violaciones en grupo, esclavitud, extorsiones y trabajos forzados.[2]


4.-Ademas, los países miembros de la UE deben respetar sus obligaciones bajo el Derecho internacional sobre personas refugiadas-Protección internacional (principio de no devolución de la Convención de Ginebra sobre refugiados de 1951) y el resto de normativa de Derechos Humanos: la protección contra la tortura y todo trato inhumano y degradante es un derecho incondicional así como la protección del derecho a la vida estan recogidos en el Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos (CEDH). Según jurisprudencia consolidada del TEDH, la seguridad del “lugar seguro” hace referencia principalmente a la seguridad física de las personas que acceden a ese lugar seguro, pero también a la posibilidad de solicitar y tener acceso a un proceso de protección internacional (derecho de asilo). Estas obligaciones existen en todo lugar donde un estado ejerce su jurisdicción con control efectivo y exclusivo, incluyendo lugares fuera de su territorio como en alta mar[3]. A la luz de esta clara responsabilidad en base al Convenio Europeo de Derechos Humanos (CEDH), de igual forma el principio de no devolución de la Convención de Ginebra de 1951 debe ser interpretado de forma análoga, dicho principio compele al estado a cada momento del control efectivo y exclusivo.


5.- Teniendo en cuenta lo anteriormente expuesto, cualquier orden de un Estado para desembarcar a personas en Libia es un acto ilegal y supone una violación de varias normas de Derecho europeo e internacional. Por un lado, las embarcaciones que no tengan pabellón de ningun estado y los capitanes de los mismos tienen el deber y la obligación de obedecer ordenes legales, y por otro tienen la obligación legal en base a las constituciones nacionales y normas internas de no ser participe de un delito y de no obedecer instrucciones ilegales que violen las normas internacionales y de derechos humanos. Cuando se vean ante estas obligaciones en conflicto, son independientes para no obedecer ordenes ilegales y a aquellos que las dictan. Desde los juicios de Nuremberg tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, es claro que los individuos no deben obedecer a los representantes de sus estados si dichas ordenes violan normativa internacional y de derechos humanos. “La justificación de la obediencia debida no aplicaría si las ordenes ejecutadas fueran de tal naturaleza que una persona con sentido y entendimiento común medio las considerara ilegales[4]


6.- Considerando la situación legal anteriormente mencionada, las personas refugiadas a bordo de El Hiblu 1 actuaron para defender su derecho a la vida y su derecho incondicional a no ser sometido a tortura, violación, esclavitud y otros tratos crueles e inhumanos, prohibidos por tratados internacionales y de derechos humanos. En un caso similar, el Tribunal de Trapani reconoció la proporcionalidad de los actos de la parte denunciada, puesto que el derecho a la vida y a no ser sometido a tratos degradantes o inhumanos no puede ser limitado por parte de la tripulación de la embarcación. A ojos del juzgador, si tales acciones defensivas no hubieran sido tomadas, las personas migrantes habrían sido seguramente llevadas a Libia, la necesidad natural de tales acciones debe ser reconocida puesto que la parte denunciada no tenia posibilidad de escapar del buque y del lugar de destino al que les llevaban.[5] Especialmente importante en el caso de El Hiblu 1 es la corta edad de los jóvenes que trataron de salvar su vida y la del resto de sus acompañantes, teniendo en cuenta lo que les iba a ocurrir si volvían al “infierno de Libia”. Hay indicios consistentes de que sus acciones a bordo fueron justificadas bajo la institución de la legitima defensa.


AED hace un llamamiento a las autoridades de Malta:


  • a cumplir plenamente con sus obligaciones emanadas de la normativa europea, internacional, de derechos humanos y de protección internacional/refugio así como las obligaciones de la Convención sobre los derechos del niño de NNUU.
  • a respetar el derecho a la legitima defensa contra actos ilegales que someten a las personas a tortura, violación, esclavitud y otros tratos crueles e inhumanos prohibidos en la normativa internacional y de derechos humanos.
  • a asegurar que se celebre un juicio con todas las garantías.
  • a asegurar que la parte denunciada tienen un acceso adecuado a todos sus derechos sin ningun tipo de restricción.
  • a reconocer que la parte denunciada son menores vulnerables con unas necesidades especiales que deben ser garantizadas e implementar todas las obligaciones inherentes a la Convención sobre Derechos del niño de NNUU.
  • a parar cualquier cooperación con Libia sobre migración, asegurando el respeto a los derechos de las personas refugiadas y migrantes en su territorio.


Por todo lo expuesto recomendamos encarecidamente la creación de un observatorio independiente del proceso judicial de los “Tres de El Hiblu-1″. Hacemos un llamamiento a la sociedad democrática para monitorizar el juicio y el futuro de esos tres jóvenes.



Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, Amsterdam, Istanbul, Berlin, Brussels, Athens, marzo de 2020.


[1] 1979 La Convención de Hamburgo que estipula que el Estado que lleva a cabo una operación de salvamento marítimo-incluso en la zona de búsqueda y rescate que no sea de su competencia-es responsable de alcanzar tierra y desembarcar a los náufragos en un puerto seguro (el así llamado lugar seguro, POS en su acepción en inglés); dos protocolos suplementarios a la Convención SOLAS (Ris. MSC. 153 (78), 20 May 2004) y la Convención SAR (Ris. MSC. 155 (78), 20 Mayo 2004), que entró en vigor el 1 de julio de 2006 y las Directrices respecto de la actuación ​con las personas rescatadas en el mar, IMO-OMI Resolución MSC.167(78), 10. Mayo 2004, IMO-OMI Doc. MSC 78/26/Add.2, Annex 34; (IMO-OMI, Facilitation Committee, Principios relacionados con los procedimientos administrativos para el desembarco de las personas rescatadas en el mar, IMO-OMI Doc. FAL.3/Circ.194, 22. Enero 2009; Consejo de Europa , Res. 1821(2011) sobre Interceptación y salvamento marítimo de solicitantes de asilo, personas refugiadas y migrantes irregulares, 21 de Junio 2011)


[3] TEDH (GC), Hirsi Jamaa et al. v. Italy, Ap.No.27765/09, 23.02.2012, para 73, 76 et seqq

[4] United States v. Keenan, Court of Military Appeals, 39 C.M.R. 108, 110 (1969)

[5] Fecha de sentencia: 23-05-2019, Tribunal de Trapani/ Italia,

Empty all prisons now !! Svuotare le carceri, subito!!

What has been happening in the last few days in many Italian prisons (Modena, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Rome, Naples, Palermo, Padua, Florence, but the list is getting longer by the hour and it seems that there are already 27 prisons involved in the prisoners’ protest, with a number not exactly ascertained – even in its causes – of deaths – at least six – and injured, some of them very serious) was predictable: in a country where there are more than 61.000 prisoners in jail, with a capacity of 50,000 places, where for decades no pardon or amnesty has been seen (a term that has become almost heretical), where the criminalization of deviance and protest has become the norm, where someone talks about “throwing away the key” and someone else abolishes prescription and guarantees, the effect of the health emergency could not have been different.


In places where cohabitation is forced and turns into promiscuity, where health is not guaranteed even in ordinary times, where dozens of people live in overcrowded conditions, the terror of contagion multiplies and “security” is transformed into greater isolation. The blocking of parental visits, replaced by telephone conversations for which one has to deal with waiting in promiscuity, combined with the absence of the few services ensured, for the most part by volunteers who are now banned from entering, can only generate despair. Despair that can lead to violence against innocent people.


There is only one way out, especially at times like this: to reduce the danger of contagion as much as possible, but also the violence of despair. This imposes important choices, immediately practicable such as emptying prisons (and other places of detention, including migrant centres) of elderly and sick prisoners, with the immediate granting of home detention, probation and/or suspended sentences, as well as emptying prisons of those who have to serve short sentences; ensuring the effective communication with the outside world, guaranteeing information and health care.

It is urgent, indispensable, humane and respectful of individual rights and freedoms!


Later we will return to talk about amnesty, pardon and measures that put the unsustainability of this form of “doing justice” and “applying sentences”, dominated by an incapable and arrogant policy, at the centre of the discussion.

9th of March 2020



Svuotare le carceri, subito

Appello congiunto di Giuristi Democratici e Legal Team Italia

Quello che sta accadendo nelle ultime ore in molti istituti di detenzione italiani (Modena, Reggio Emilia, Bologna, Roma, Napoli, Palermo, Padova, Firenze, ma l’elenco si allunga di ora in ora e pare siano ormai già 27 gli istituti di pena coinvolti dalla protesta dei detenuti, con un numero non esattamente accertato —anche nelle cause— di morti — almeno sei— e feriti, di cui alcuni molto gravi) era ampiamente prevedibile: in un paese dove nelle carceri i detenuti sono più di 61.000, con una capienza di 50.000 posti, in cui da decenni non si vede un provvedimento di indulto o amnistia (termine divenuto quasi eretico), in cui la penalizzazione di ogni devianza e di ogni protesta è diventata norma, in cui qualcuno parla di “buttar via la chiave” e qualcun altro abolisce prescrizione e garanzie, l’effetto dell’emergenza sanitaria non poteva essere diverso.

In luoghi dove la convivenza è forzata e diventa promiscuità, in cui la salute non è garantita neppure in via ordinaria, in cui decine di persone coabitano luoghi angusti, il terrore del contagio si moltiplica, e le forme di “sicurezza” si trasformano in ulteriore isolamento. Il blocco delle visite parentali, sostituite con colloqui telefonici per cui bisogna affrontare attese in promiscuità, unite all’assenza di quei pochi servizi (assicurati in buona parte dal volontariato ora estromesso) non possono che generare disperazione. Disperazione che può sfociare in violenza contro soggetti incolpevoli.

C’è una sola via di uscita, tanto più in momenti come questi: ridurre quanto più possibile il pericolo del contagio, ma anche della violenza della disperazione. Ciò impone scelte importanti, praticabili subito, svuotando le carceri (e gli altri luoghi di contenzione, CPR inclusi) delle persone detenute anziane e malate, con l’immediata concessione di detenzione domiciliare, libertà vigilata e/o sospensione pena, oltre che di coloro che hanno pene brevi da scontare; garantire la fruizione effettiva delle possibilità di interlocuzione con l’esterno, garantire informazione e presidi sanitari.

È urgente, indispensabile, umano e rispettoso del diritto e dei diritti individuali. Per poi ricominciare a parlare di amnistia, indulto e misure che rimettano al centro della discussione l’insostenibilità di questo modo di “fare giustizia” e “applicare pene” cavalcato da una politica incapace ed arrogante.

9 marzo 2020