The European Court of Human Right (ECHR) just took a decision in favour of the Spanish authorities, by endorsing the practice known as “push-back” of people trying to reach the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Although another body of the Court had already condemned Spain in 2017 for this illegal practice[1], its Grand Chamber […]
Category archives: Migration
Freedom for Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar
The European Union must stop the arbitrary incarceration of refugees and migrants We express our solidarity with Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar who are currently being held in pre-trial detention in Komotini, Greece. Both are facing long prison sentences because they are being wrongfully and arbitrarily accused of “smuggling”. Hamza Haddi and Mohamed Haddar are […]
Sea Watch 3 and European Rights adrift
The grave case of the ship Sea Watch 3, which has been denied access to Italian ports after rescuing 42 migrants at sea and waiting for more than 14 days between Libya and Sicily for more than 14 days, is the case of fundmental rights in Europe. Maritime laws requires the rescue of those in danger […]
Nadie en Europa puede decir que desconoce la situación de vulnerabilidad extrema en que se encuentran las personas migrantes que se trasladan desde países de Oriente próximo y África hasta Europa, debido a las situaciones de guerra y/o crisis humanitaria que sufren. El drama de los/as refugiados/as, que ha convertido el mar Mediterráneo en un […]
Le Procès des 7 de Briancon
Le 8 novembre 2018 s’est tenue au Tribunal de grande instance de Gap, l’audience correctionnelle des 7 de Briançon, poursuivis pour aide à l’entrée irrégulière sur le territoire français de quelques migrants lors d’une manifestation pour la liberté de circulation et contre les initiatives du groupe d’extrême-droite et raciste, Génération identitaire. Ce groupe avait organisé […]
AUDIO: New Tools of Repression of Social Movements and Counterpractices in Europe
On the 20th of October the AED organized a European Colloquium in Turin. Here are the interventions in their original language:
In solidarity with Mimmo Lucano
L’Associazione Avvocati Democratici Europei riunitasi a Torino nei giorni 19 e 20 ottobre 2018 , in occasione del Convegno Internazionale “Nuove pratiche di repressione dei movimenti sociali in Europa e strategie legali di difesa ” esprime la piena solidarietà a Mimmo Lucano ritenendo il cosiddetto “MODELLO RIACE ” massima espressione dei veri valori costituzionali propri […]
New Tools of Repression against Social Movements in Europe
On the 20th of October, in the university of Turin the AED-EDL has organized a conference on the repression of social movements and counter practices in Europe. Here is the programme: Download the flyer Hear the interventions
MORIA 35- Report
On the 18th of July 2017, 35 residents of Moria hotspot on Lesvos Island in Greece were violently arrested after a peaceful demonstration organised in the camp earlier in the day. Hundreds of the camps inhabitants took part in this protest against their inhumane living conditions. Le 18 juillet 2017, 35 résidents du hotspot de […]
Suite à l’évacuation de Calais
Madame ou Monsieur le Bâtonnier, Vous êtes comme nous sensibilisé à la situation d’urgence qui se profile pour chacun de nos barreaux du fait de l’évacuation du bidonville de Calais et de la relocalisation un peu partout en France de ses occupants. Le CNB a d’ailleurs noté l’accès quasiment inexistant à l’information et au suivi […]