Category archives: Endangered lawyer
Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2018
Today in Egypt, human rights activists, lawyers, political activists and independent journalists, all have to live with their phone calls being tapped, endless smear campaigns and hate speech from state-affiliated media as well as continuous harassment and intimidation from the authorities. Egypt is going through the most serious human rights crisis in its history. Every […]
Lettre au Président de la République
Bruxelles, Paris, Barcelone, le 4 janvier 2018 Monsieur le Président de la République, Demain vous allez recevoir RECEP ERDOGAN, Président de la Turquie. Quelques soient les enjeux diplomatiques ou autres existant entre nos pays, vous ne pouvez ignorer la situation de non-droit dans laquelle se trouvent aujourd’hui des avocats, des magistrats, des parlementaires, des […]
Seventeen Turkish lawyers are in detention in different parts of the country; sixteen of them for several weeks.
On the 8th of November 2017, Selcuk Kozagacli, President of the ÇHD, a progressive association of lawyers and a member of the AED, was arrested with great violence and detained in Istanbul. The accusations against our colleague justifying his detention by the Turkish authorities consist of complicity in terrorism. Our colleague and friend Selcuk Kozagacli […]
New Arrests / Nouvelles Arrestations
The AED demands that the Turkish Government stop all hostility against human rights lawyers. The numerous irregular and arbitrary detentions are an authoritarian and repressive response against Turkish lawyers, charged with terrorism or activities against the state. The Republic of Turkey is a member of the Council of Europe and must therefore respect and promote […]
Since mid-September, these lawyers are detained in Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakır. The number of lawyers prosecuted in Turkey is 1343 after this last wave of raids against lawyers. 524 of them have been arrested since the staged coup attempt in July 2016. There are lawyers from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Catalonia, Belgium, Spain, […]
New Protests in front of Turkish Consulates in Europe
We are demonstrating today in front of the Turkish Consulate in Hamburg, The Hague, Brussels and Milan to protest the recent arrest of 16 of our colleagues from Turkey. Since mid-September, they are detained in Ankara, Istanbul and Diyarbakır. We are especially concerned about the situation of lawyers Barkın Timtik, Engin Gökoglu and Özgür Yılmaz. […]
Free our 16 colleagues
Free our 14 colleagues, members of ÇHD (Progressive Lawyers Association), arrested in Turkey: Barkın Timtik Ebru Timtik Süleyman Gökten Ezgi Çakır Ahmet Mandacı Yağmur Ereren Aytaç Ünsal Didem Baydar Ünsal Ayşegül Çağatay Engin Gökoğlu Behiç Aşçı Aycan Çiçek Şükriye Erden Özgür Yılmaz Zehra Özdemir Naciye Demir We have been informed that our […]
The Criminalization of Turkish Lawyers
l’AED entend dénoncer la criminalisation des défenseurs des droits de l’homme en Turquie et en particulier la mise en cause personnelle de notre confrère Selçuk KOZAĞAÇLI, visant à déstabiliser la défense et à l’empêcher de mener à bien la défense des droits fondamentaux de ses clients Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Özakça. L’AED en appelle […]
Wenn Anwaelten die Verteidigung ihrer Mandanten zum Vorwurf gemacht wird
23. Juni 2017, 12:57 Antiterrorverfahren betreffen in der Türkei auch Verteidiger. Über die Bedeutung internationaler Prozessbeobachtung vor und nach dem Putschversuch 2016 Nach dem Putschversuch im Juli 2016 wurde in der Türkei der Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen. Zehntausende Beamte, darunter Richter und Staatsanwälte, wurden entlassen. Zwischen 80.000 und 90.000 Menschen wurden festgenommen. Die Haftbedingungen verletzen internationale Standards. […]