Webinar: Videoconference within the Asylum procedure

Webinar: Videoconference within the Asylum Procedure Date: 27 may. 2021 20:00Zoom link:https://zoom.us/j/94967511847?pwd=OTQ3aW9LUjErTC9iWGRFQUg0LzlOdz09Meeting ID: 949 6751 1847 Access code: 535239 The webinar will discuss a succesful ruling of the Belgian Council of State against the use of videoconferences in asylum procedures. The sentence is available in French and English This webinar-series critically highlights interesting case law, […]


A reminder of the second anniversary of the rescue and subsequent detention of young migrants called El Hiblu 3 In Malta, three young migrants risk life imprisonment for having helped fellow asylum seekers to escape and be rescued from the serious risk of torture, inhuman and degrading treatment, rape, exploitation and killings in refugee camps […]

Call to Solidarity

CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ATTACKED DURING SOLIDARITY ACTIONS FOR THE RESPECT OF THE LAW FOR THE HUNGER STRIKER DIMITRIS KOUFONTINAS LAWYERS’ BLOCK GETS REPEATEDLY BEATEN BY THE POLICE FORCES During the last weeks, the hunger strike of the life prisoner Dimitris Koufontinas, member of the “Revolutionary Organization 17 November”, has given rise to a series of legal […]

We demand the immediate transfer of Dimitris Koufodinas to Korydallos Prison

Dimitris Koufodinas is serving multiple life sentences after being convicted as a member of the “Revolutionary Organization November 17th” (17N). From 2002 onwards Dimitris Koufodinas was permanently detained in a special underground wing of the Korydallos prison (Athens) until he was transferred to the Volos agricultural detention facility in 2018. Although he had been entitled […]