REGARDER EN ARRIERE ET AVANCER, en d’autres termes tirer les enseignements de l’histoire pour éviter le perpétuel recommencement. Quelle contribution, nous, Avocats Européens Démocrates pouvons nous apporter à ce projet, de quelles vigilances devons nous faire preuve pour aller vers plus de droits fondamentaux et d’égalité chez nous, et entre les hommes, le monde étant […]
Author archives:
Naples Conference on Mediterranean Lawyers
We thank the organizing associations of this meeting for their work and for their kind invitation. Many lawyers of our association from various European countries are present today to follow our work carefully. The AED (European Democratic Lawyers Association), in which Italy is present through the association “Legalteam Italia”, has always contained in its structure […]
On the repression in Catalonia on the 1st of October 2017
The events that have taken place on the 1st of October in Catalonia are very concerning for a Democracy. Therefore, we severely condemn the actions taken by the Policía Nacional and the Guardia Civil, which have violated the fundamental rights of the people, like the right to health and physical integrity, the right to political […]
On the Catalonian Referendum
The Bureau of the Association “AVOCATS EUROPEANS DEMOCRATES” (AED) -created 30 years ago and which has brought together associations and unions of European lawyers committed to the defense of the rights of people- has met in Berlin and notes with concern some of the reactions of the Spanish administrative and judicial authorities against the decision […]
On the 21st of September, the AED-EDL will be demonstrating in front of the embassies in different European countries for the liberation of our 16 lawyer colleagues who are in detention since the 12th of September 2017. The news arriving from Turkey are very worrying. For the time being this is a list of the […]
Free our 16 colleagues
Free our 14 colleagues, members of ÇHD (Progressive Lawyers Association), arrested in Turkey: Barkın Timtik Ebru Timtik Süleyman Gökten Ezgi Çakır Ahmet Mandacı Yağmur Ereren Aytaç Ünsal Didem Baydar Ünsal Ayşegül Çağatay Engin Gökoğlu Behiç Aşçı Aycan Çiçek Şükriye Erden Özgür Yılmaz Zehra Özdemir Naciye Demir We have been informed that our […]
30 years of Activism
The association European Democratic Lawyers, AED-EDL is celebrating 30 years of work in defence of the rights of citizens. This federation of European lawyers has aimed at preserving the independence of lawyers with regard to any power, be it political, social, economic or ordinal. Much has changed since 1987:Back then, the European Union seemed to […]
The Criminalization of Turkish Lawyers
l’AED entend dénoncer la criminalisation des défenseurs des droits de l’homme en Turquie et en particulier la mise en cause personnelle de notre confrère Selçuk KOZAĞAÇLI, visant à déstabiliser la défense et à l’empêcher de mener à bien la défense des droits fondamentaux de ses clients Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Özakça. L’AED en appelle […]
Wenn Anwaelten die Verteidigung ihrer Mandanten zum Vorwurf gemacht wird
23. Juni 2017, 12:57 Antiterrorverfahren betreffen in der Türkei auch Verteidiger. Über die Bedeutung internationaler Prozessbeobachtung vor und nach dem Putschversuch 2016 Nach dem Putschversuch im Juli 2016 wurde in der Türkei der Ausnahmezustand ausgerufen. Zehntausende Beamte, darunter Richter und Staatsanwälte, wurden entlassen. Zwischen 80.000 und 90.000 Menschen wurden festgenommen. Die Haftbedingungen verletzen internationale Standards. […]
Contro gli arresti degli avvocati in Turchia
Communicato di LegalTeam Italia. Desta grandissimo allarme la notizia dell’arresto di 23 colleghi in Turchia, accusati di far parte dell’organizzazione di Fetullah Gulem: accusa ormai adoperata dal governo turco per colpire e sbarazzarsi di ogni tipo di oppositori, o anche solo liberi pensatori non allineati con la politica del presidente Erdogan. Nei casi di questi […]