On Wednesday 20 March 2019, the İstanbul 37th Heavy Penal Court in Silivri Courthouse announced its verdict in the case of the ÇHD (Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği, Association of Progressive Lawyers). The lawyers have been sentenced to prison terms between 2 years, 13 months, and 15 days and 18 years and 9 months. The Court delivered […]
Author archives: lawyer@aeud.org
After gathering in Madrid on the morning of February 9th, 2019 and discussing the impending Catalan Referendum Trial, which will begin in the Spanish Supreme Court on February 12th, 2019, Avocats Européens Democrates-European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL) has reached the following CONCLUSIONS: 1.- There is concern that all the procedural guarantees may not be met during […]
The Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2019
The Day of the Endangered Lawyer was dedicated this year to Turkey, where the situation is extremely grave. Turkey is the weakest link of European democracy, if it can still be called a democracy, when lawyers are imprisoned. Berlin All over Europe, practicing lawyers mobilized to show solidarity with […]
Nadie en Europa puede decir que desconoce la situación de vulnerabilidad extrema en que se encuentran las personas migrantes que se trasladan desde países de Oriente próximo y África hasta Europa, debido a las situaciones de guerra y/o crisis humanitaria que sufren. El drama de los/as refugiados/as, que ha convertido el mar Mediterráneo en un […]
COMMUNIQUE: sur l’extradition de Cesare Battisti
Cesare Battisti, ancien membre du groupe “Les Prolétaires Armés pour le Communisme” durant les ‘années de plomb’, vient d’être extradé de Bolivie, où il venait de se réfugier après l’arrivée au pouvoir au Brésil, où il résidait auparavant, du candidat d’extrême-droite Jaïr Bolsonaro. En 1988 il a été condamné par la Cour d’assises de Milan, […]
Since 2010, the AED organizes every 24th of January the Day of the Endangered Lawyer to protest against the grave conditions our colleagues endure to carry out their professional activities in a particular country
Nous refusons de contrôler Ernest Hemingway et Carlo Rosselli !
IN ITALIANO: Perché non accettiamo di controllare Ernest Hemingway e Carlo Rosselli.
Le Procès des 7 de Briancon
Le 8 novembre 2018 s’est tenue au Tribunal de grande instance de Gap, l’audience correctionnelle des 7 de Briançon, poursuivis pour aide à l’entrée irrégulière sur le territoire français de quelques migrants lors d’une manifestation pour la liberté de circulation et contre les initiatives du groupe d’extrême-droite et raciste, Génération identitaire. Ce groupe avait organisé […]
URGENT : Another Lawyer assassinated in the Philippines
In Solidarity 7 November 2018 Once again, a Philippine colleague has been murdered: Atty. Benjamin Tarug Ramos was shot dead in Kabankalan last night by motorcycle riding men. He died from three gunshot wounds. This is not the first time. Since 2015, the Association for European Democratic Lawyers (AED) has been denouncing the situation in […]
AUDIO: New Tools of Repression of Social Movements and Counterpractices in Europe
On the 20th of October the AED organized a European Colloquium in Turin. Here are the interventions in their original language: