Afghanistan 2023 – Activities

As last year, January 24 is the International Day of Endangered Law. This year the Day aims at raising awareness of the situation of lawyers in Aghanistan, after the withdrawal of the US forces and its allies.
Exceptionally this year, our work is extended to the situation of
judges and prosecutors due to the dire situation the legal institution is facing.

This year the report is directed at international actors and States who took part in the US invasion. It obviously makes no sense to address it to the Taliban government.

These acts and communications have already been confirmed:

1.   London, 24 January – Haldane Society of Socialist Lawyers,
2.     Online seminar by the Law Society of England and Wales and Lawyers for Lawyers, 19 January 2023, register here.
3.     Dublin Ireland, Jan. 24th 10:30am (Irish time) Afghan Judges Speak, organized by the Bar of Ireland, here.
4.      Lille France, Jan. 24, 11am CET, roundtable on Afghanistan and Ukraine organized by the Barreau de Lille, only in person and in French, here.
5.       Lyon France:, Jan. 20th 9am CET, OIAD organizes physical and online conference
6.       Montpellier, France: Jan. 27th 9am to 5pm CET: Montpellier Bar Association, Syndicat des avocats de France, Institut de droits de l’Homme de Montpellier, Ligue des droits de l’homme are organising a physical and online conference, here.
7.      Nantes, France: Jan. 24th 6pm CET, opening of art exhibition, Palais de Justice
8.       *US National Association of Women Judges and International Association of Women Judges*: Jan. 24th 6:15pm CET online session, here.
9.       *The Hague, 24 January 2023, demonstration in front of the Afghan Embassy*
10.   *Brussels, 24 January 2023, 10h00 – 11h30, CCBE, Press conference*
11.   *Brussels*: Jan. 24th 1pm CET event organized by SED (via Facebook), here.
12.   *Berlin* (RAV, RAK Berlin, VDJ, Strafverteidigervereinigungen, ,24 January, demonstration and seminar, here.
13.   *Turkey, 24 January 2023, demonstrations in 6 cities.*
14.- Press Release CCBE – 24th January : International Day of Endangered Lawyers 2023. *To register, please contact our Head of Communication, Karine Métayer, only at the following address*:
15.- Genoa and Venice BAR Associations hold a conference on the 25th January in Genoa.
16.- The BAR of Barcelona will publish the report on its website.

17. *Madrid*, Jan 24 13h30 Demonstration in front of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.