Comparison of the legal aid systems in Europe: which standards for an effective legal aid?

Date 29th september 2023
Time : 15h-18h
Place : La Fleur en Papier Doré, Rue des Alexiens, 53-55 à 1000 Bruxelles
Price: free

Legal aid, as the provision of assistance to people who are unable to afford legal representation and access to the court system, is regarded as central in providing access to justice. Legal aid ensures equality before the law, the right to counsel and the right to a fair trial.

Legal aid is essential to guaranteeing equal access to justice for all, but the practical application of this guarantee differs from country to country. The speakers of the colloque are working lawyers in the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece and Turkey, confronted in their professional experience with legal aid, and will explain its functioning in the law and in the everyday praxis.

Through the presentation and analysis of these different national systems of legal aid, this initiative aims at exchanging strengths and weaknesses of the models and thus at elaborating minimal standards for legal aid. Legal aid, which can effectively provide assistance for those in need.

15h00 : Introduction, by Hélène DEBATY
15h15: Legal aid system in the Netherlands. Speaker: Sturla SPANS
15h30: Legal aid system in Spain. Speakers: Gorka VELLE BERGADO and Blanca DOMINGUEZ PARRA
15h45: Legal aid system in Belgium. Speaker Aurore LEBEAU
16h00: Legal aid system in France. Speaker Bénédicte MAST
16h 15-16h30: Break
16h 30: Legal aid system in Germany: Julius BECKER
16h45 : Legal aid system in Greece: Giota MASSOURIDOU
17h00 : Legal aid system in Turkey: Gulsah KURT
17h 15: Questions
17 h 30: Conclusions, by Hélène DEBATY