Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2022- Activities

On the 24th of January, all over Europe and the whole world, lawyers show their solidarity with their fellow colleagues. This year the Day of the Endangered Lawyer is dedicated to Colombia, who suffer manifold repression for their professional work.


CCBE with the Association of European Democratic Lawyers (AED, of which the Lawyers’ Union for Democracy (SAD) is a member),, the F.I.D.H., the Institute of Human Rights of the Brussels Bar, and A.S.F. call for a demonstration on 24 January 2022 at 1pm in front of the Colombian Embassy (avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 96 A in Ixelles) in defence of the defence. Wearing a toga is recommended, wearing a mask is mandatory.


The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) and Lawyers’ Rights Watch Canada (LRWC) will be organizing a webinar on the 24th of January from 17h to 18h Eastern (2-4 Pacific)


The SAF is organising on January 21st the 7th Meeting with the Montpellier Bar Association around this day.

The Paris Bar is participating in the online conference organised on January 21st by the International obsevatory of lawyers from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm (CET) translated into English, French, Italian and Spanish.

On the 24th of January a rally is organized in Lyon in front of the Colombian Consulate.


On the 20.01.2022, at 19h00 in Berlin, the RAV, DAV, VDJ, ELDH, BRAK Berlin are organizing an online seminar with the presence of Colombian human rights lawyers Zoraida Pedraza und German Romero

On the 24th of January, the protest will take place in front of the Colombian Embassy in Berlin at 13h00 CET, and organised by RAV, VDJ, BRAK Berlin


On the 24th of January, from 14.30-16.30, the UCPI is organizing a Webinar on the International Day of Endangered Lawyers 2022. You can register here.


The Mexican chapter of the International Association of People’s Lawyers (IAPL), Asociación Mexicana de Abogados del Pueblo (AMAP), will hold a protest in front of the Colombian Embassy in Mexico City (CDMX) on January 22nd at 4pm local time.


The Vsan / Aed is organising on the 24th of January, a lawyer manifestation at the Colombian Embassy in The Hague between 1500 and 1700 ,where a petition will be given about the difficult situation of the lawyers in Colombia .

At 16.30 pm – Audience at the Embassy of Columbia: 6 lawyers of the VSAN will be presenting the report on Colombia to the Columbian ambassador Mr. Fernando Grillo

At 17.00 pm – Online-reading organised by Lawyers for Lawyers. Colombian humanrights lawyer Jorge Molano


There will be a demonstration in Istanbul and İzmir.

There will be events inside the courthouses of Antalya and Alanya.
In Antep, the human rights committee of the bar association will publish a statement.

In Adana, together with Adana Bar Association, there will be a press conference.T


On the 24th January, at 12 pm a demonstration will take place in front of the Social Court (C/ Princesa 3) in Madrid in commemoration of the Massacre of the Atocha Labor Lawyers 45 years ago.

On the 24 January, at 1 pm the demonstration will follow in front of the Colombian Embassy in Madrid (Pº General Martínez Campos, 48) in defense of the defense.

On the 24 January, at 6:30 pm a conference will take place at the General Council of Spanish Lawyers (CGAE – Pº Recoletos 13), with the presence of

  • José Manuel Santos: Colombian Lawyer of the Indigenous Movement, suffering persecutions.
  • Leonardo Jaimes: Colombian Lawyer suffering persecutions.
  • Ángeles Chinarro: President of ALA
  • José Luis Muga: Co-President of AED


The Geneva Bar Association will be co-organising an event with the IBA and other professional associations from 13:30- 15:00 CET dedicated to the Guidelines for lawyers in support of peaceful assemblies


The Judicial Reform Foundation of Taiwan is organizing a seminar on Colombia on Saturday 22 January (Taipei time 18:00-20:00) with a short documentary on the situation of HRDs, and pre-recorded video interviews of 2 rights lawyers from the country. A professor from a Taiwan university familiar with the politics of Colombia will also be joining us to share her observations.


On the 20th of January 2021 from 15h00- 16h30, the Law Society of England is organizing a webinar with Dr. Marina Brilman, Dora Lucy Arias, Ana María Rodríguez, Germán Romero Sánchez.


The New York City Bar is organizing on the 24th of January at 12:30 pm (EST (Washington D.C./New York time) a webinar.