Defending Refugees in Europe

Date: 24rd of June 2022, 15h-20h00

Venue: ex-OPG “Je so pazzo”,  Naples

Via Matteo Renato Imbriani, 218 – 80136 (NAPLES)

Translation:  ITALIAN – ENGLISH

Moderation of the event: Margherita d’Andrea, lawyer: presentation of speakers and thematic thread of the afternoon

15h00 – 15h30

  1. Greetings

1. Thomas Schmidt, Co-Secretary General of ELDH, greetings on behalf of ELDH and AED

2. Antonio Tafuri, Lawyer, President of the Bar Council of Naples

3. Francesco Caia, Lawyer, National Bar Council, President of the “Osservatorio Internazionale Avvocati in pericolo” (OIAD

4. Liana Nesta, lawyer: Introduction to the conference

16h00 – 16h45

  1. Refugee Rights: a European Perspective
  2.  Bill Bowring, (human rights barrister) What can be done for refugees at the European Court of Human Rights, now in crisis.
  3. Yiota Massouridou, (lawyer, Secretary General of AED) The Hot-Spot System and Pushbacks
  4. Danilo Risi, (Laywer, executive Committee of “Associazione Nazionale Giuristi Democratici”):  Ucrainian Refugees and effects of the mission of Giuristi Democratici and Mediterranea NGO from Naples to Poland: the national petition for the right of conscientious objection of Ukrainian men

16h45 – 17h00 Break

17h00 – 18h45

  1. Refugee Rights in Italy

9. Luigi Migliaccio, (Lawyer, member of the Commission on migration law of Bar Council of Naples and Commission of Human Rights Union des Avocats Européens – UAE): Family Reunification, latest jurisdiction

10. Francesco Priore, (Lawyer, Executive Committee of “Associazione Nazionale Avvocato di Strada”):  Complementary protections to the international protection

11. Nicola Canestrini (Lawyer): The Iuventa case

18h45 – 19h30

  1. An activist’s perspective

12. Simona Talamo, activist

13. Abdel El Mir, activist, Movimento Migranti e Rifugiati Napoli

Closing remarks: Hanno Bos, on behalf of AED & ELDH) Refugee Rights in Europe – The Massinflux Directive – Double Standards or a new progressive approach 

19h30 – 20h00 discussion