Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2021 – Azerbaijan – AGENDA

This year, on 24 January 2021 (this year on 22nd – Friday and on 25th – Monday, for France) we will commemorate the 11th anniversary of the Day of the Endangered Lawyer
Due to the Corona pandemic and the associated restrictions in most countries, such protests will only be possible in compliance with the applicable hygiene regulations. In the past, such protests have been carried out in over 40 countries. The petition is supported by over 30 international, European, and national lawyers‘ organizations will be presented to the respective embassies and sent to the Azerbaijan


21 January 2021

21 Januay 2021

22 January 2021

BRUSSELS: av. de Tervueren 282 à 1150 Woluwe-Saint-Pierre (in front of the Embassy of Azerbaijan

MADRID: Appointment is at 13.00 in front of SMAC (C/Princesa nº 3)

ADANA: press conference: Location: Adana Bar Association, MEB conference room, at 12.00 pm CET

ALANYA: press conference: Location: The conference room of Alanya Bar Association, at 09.00 am CET

ANTALYA: demonstration: Meeting point: in front of the Barohan, at 11.00 am CET

GAZIANTEP, press conference: Location: The conference room of Antep Bar Association, at 10.00 am CET

ISTANBUL: demonstration: Meeting point: in front of the Azerbaijan Consulate, at 11.00 am CET

IZMIR: press conference. Location: The conference room of Izmir Bar Association, at 10.30 am CET

MERSIN, demonstration: Location: in front of the courthouse, at 10.30 am CET

ANKARA: the time and the other details will come today in the evening

Berlin: 3h, Hubertusallee 43. Bitte in Robe u Maske.

25 January 2021

PARIS : meeting in front of the Embassy of Azerbaijan at 11 o’clock

The Italian National Bar Council (Consiglio Nazionale Forense- CNF) is organizing a webinar to celebrate the Day of the Endangered Lawyers 3.00 pm.

18h to 19h30 WEBINAR with the presence of lawyers of Azerbaijan