What’s after Moria?

The end of EU refugee policy in compliance with human rights

RAV and AED-EDL zoom press conference with European lawyers and Moria refugees, September 17, 2020, 10.00am

To register and for details: gs@rav.de or: 030.417 235 55
Background information: https://www.rav.de/themen/migration-asyl/

Moria represents the fact the decisive achievement of European civilization – that states subject themselves to rights and duties – is at stake. Lawyers from three European countries explain their experiences, a Moria refugee concretely reports on the consequences of failures of national and EU-law; Karl Kopp from pro asyl will place this in the context of the European asylum reform of recent years.

RAV and AED-EDL invite you to a zoom press conference in German and English language focusing on the current situation in Moria and EU preparations for a ›Moria 2.0‹.

  • Raed Alabd, Afghan refugee from Moria, will report on his current survival struggle.
  • Greek lawyer Elli Kriona represents many refugees from Moria legally. She explains the Greek and EU legal background and clarifies the causes of the failure of European asylum policy on the background of the EU-Turkey deal. Due to her practice she has precise information on the situations of the refugees in Moria.
  • Italian lawyer Lucia Gennari, who accompanied refugees on ships to enable them to safe entries into EU harbors; she also represents many refugees from the Italian hot spots. Lucia Gennari also explains the Italian experiences with the failure of the European asylum system, especially with the hot-spot (non)-system.
  • German lawyer Berenice Böhlo, legally representing many refugees arriving from Greece to Germany, comments on the misguided German discussion on indisputable human rights-based requirements, binding legal and procedural guarantees within the European asylum system. Demands of the European lawyer associations will be presented.
  • For years, Karl Kopp of pro asyl deals with the survival of refugees in Europe and explains why – from a civil society perspective – only a fundamental reform of the European asylum system can guarantee for a humane procedural legal process.


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Here is the video of the conference. Co-president of the AED-EDL Berenice Boehlo talks at around 50:00 min.

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