Day of the Endangered Lawyer

7th Day Of the Endangered Lawyer with the focus on the persecuted and harassed Chinese lawyers on the 24th of January 2017 in appr. 30 cities*



Every January 24th lawyers around the world support endangered lawyers in other countries by holding protests in front of the Embassies and Consulates of a designated country, holding meetings, press conferences and other activities. This time the designated country will be China, which unleashed a massive crackdown against lawyers in July 2015.

Before these mass arrests, many lawyers were in the previous years already harassed or arrested because of taking up cases with Human Rights implications.

On this Day Of The Endangered Lawyer in as many cities is possible a centralized petition will be handed over at the same time to Ambassadors, Consuls and other official legal institutions.

In this petition we ask the attention of the Chinese government for the problematic situation of the endangered Chinese lawyers. We will also put pressure on the Chinese Government to take care that the situation of the lawyers will be ameliorated as soon as possible. And that the persecution and harassment of these lawyers will be stopped.

The aim of the Day is to try to get a dialogue with the Ambassadors or other representatives of thePeoples Republic of China.

In other cities there will be organized press conferences, colloquia and other manifestations about this subject.

JCCP treaty and Havana Principles of the UN

China has signed but not ratified beside other International Treaties the following Treaty:
● International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (signed in 1998)

China has also supported the un-Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers adopted by the 8th United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders in Havana, Cuba, in 1990, which inter alia, obliges the supporting States to protect lawyers who are harassed and persecuted or even severe.



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