European Lawyers demand: release MUNİP ERMIS immediately!

The European Association of Lawyers for Democracy and World Human Rights (ELDH) and the European Democratic Lawyers (AED-EDL) are gravely concerned about the news that the Vice President of CHD – Çağdaş Hukukçular Derneği – (Progressive Lawyers Association), lawyer Münip Ermiş was taken into custody this morning. His house and his office were searched. His is the one of the names in a search warrant,which includes 26 lawyers.

For many years ÇHD is a member organisation of ELDH and AED and we know Mr. Münip Ermiş very well as an admirable lawyer who has defended many victims of human rights violations in Turkey.

This arrest is part of a pattern of terrorist persecutions that the Turkish government is bringing against its citizens- journalists, trade union members, human rights activists, members of parliament, academics and students who are committed to a peaceful solution of the Kurdish question and to freedom of speech.

Since the government started operations under the reason of their fights against the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), it is clear that they are using this as a pretext of oppression of organisations and individuals who have definitely no connection with FETÖ.

ÇHD is an association, which since 1974 has campaigned for the respect and defence of human rights and the defence of oppressed people in Turkey since 1974. ÇHD is an example of the principled and courageous advocacy in Turkey. This is not the first case of government attacks against ÇHD. The trial against 46 other high ranking ÇHD members is pending since 2013. ELDH is utmost concerned that the arrest of lawyer Münip Ermiş is another case against lawyers because they fulfil their professional functions.

ELDH and AED strongly condemn this operation against ÇHD’s Vice president, Münip Ermiş. ELDH and AED demand his immediate release and the end of all unjustified persecution. ELDH and AED demand furthermore that the Turkish government respects the professional work and role of lawyers in particular Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as Art. 16 and 18 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers. ELDH and AED offer their solidarity to the Turkish lawyers in their fight human rights and justice under the present Turkish regime.


London/Dusseldorf/Barcelona, 8th of September 2016




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