Lawyer Jose Luis Valladares Guifarro

Spanish version


I come from a small and wonderful country numbed by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Honduras is an ancient land, the cradle of one of the most prominent before the discovery of America astronomical centers : the Mayan city of Copan and likewise one of the most important so far in the XXI Century findings : the White City or Town Monkey God, recently enhanced by the National Geographic.


In Honduras miraculous events occur and therefore inexplicable, like the rain of fish; which they are collected in fields and streets by the inhabitants of a village inland.But such beauty of unspoiled landscapes with flora, fauna and habitats polychrome culture, aromas and flavors, complemented by the work of industrious and noble people in camps and cities; has been overshadowed in recent years, violence against professional association of lawyers.The exercise of the profession of law has become a risky job because the volatility of the social scene in Honduras was wroth with two particular professions: journalism and advocacy.


Lecture, in minutes, about the reality of the lawyer in Honduras is not an easy task, because we must examine several edges that have become real threats to the professional journal future of who we take care of defending the heritage, honor and good behalf of our constituents.We are, first, subjected to a permanent change required adaptability same as professionals and humans. Of subjects receiving the change, we become agents of change for a thirsty society of justice, unhappy with impunity and willing to have honest professionals, having only steeped in his eyes the reflection of the Goddess Themis to act with honesty and ethics.It’s not an easy road the practice of law because although we fault, end up being because of our passion and deep commitment we made to bring them to fruition.In Honduras, as in dozens of nations of the world we live in difficult times punctuated by the anguish of personal insecurity, the untimely arrival of new criminal agents, rapid social decomposition and a bewildering storm, which seeks to eliminate the values ​​that we have always believe and with which we have always lived.There are 12 variables that influence the spread of violence and insecurity and hitting directly or indirectly, not only the legal system but also the practice of the profession of law in Honduras: 1. Poverty and marginalization that has been part of the national reality for years.2. Domestic and family violence 3. Proliferation of youth gangs 4. Organized crime 5. Growing number of national arms trafficking and indiscriminate use of alcohol 6. Insufficient presence of authority 7. Corruption, impunity and imparting justice delayed8. Impairment of the culture of legality 9. Internationalization of crime 10. Social, economic, political, environmental and cultural 10. Security complex mix of factors with Threats 11. Volatility policy by the fragility of democratic institutions 12. Drug trafficking and money laundering

Amid this changing environment that has come to cover pain to society, to stall the public, private and foreign investment; is the figure of the lawyer, who with his wisdom and insight struggle to bring light of justice and redemption to an environment, often hostile, which is difficult to work without fear but at the same time, it encourages direct its work to build a more just country, with a better distribution of wealth and equal opportunities for all and especially in governing the rule of law.Practice the profession of law in Honduras; it has become in the last 6 years a risky activity that has created a climate of death and uncertainty among lawyers and their families.While the mission of the magistrate of the law is to ensure that you will respect the rights of everyone, and ensure that there is prompt justice for those who deserve; recent years have been tragic for the family of the Honduran Bar 97 lawyers who have been assassinated the period from 2010 to October 2015.Citing both the Bar Association of Honduras as a report published by the National Commissioner of Human Rights in Honduras (CONADEH), the following data show the high risk of the exercise of the profession of law in the country:


In 2013 29 incidents of violence against lawyers were specified  ü There were 27 victims of which 21 died and six were seriously injuredü Among the 27 victims , they were able to account not only for lawyers who were practicing in his office or private office ; but 1 trial judge , one public prosecutor , 2 former judges , one former candidate for alderman and one alderman from two different political parties, one legal adviser to a company that had a land dispute , one candidate for mayor and 1 intern law degree . In 2014ü This year violently killed 11 lawyers . All firearm . 2015Until October, they killed 10 lawyers From 2010 to October 2015Ø 97 lawyers performed in 10 of the 18 departmentsØ 70% of these violent deaths have been carried out in two departments: Francisco Morazán and Cortés. Most of these cases have not been resolved, some remain under investigation and others, seem to have been forgotten in the drawers of some court or entity clarification of crimes.My purpose in presenting the figures above, is that you have an idea of ​​the delicate and complex situation that is facing the union in the Republic of Honduras. It is a reality we can not ignore and, more importantly, it requires rethinking the role of the lawyer in Honduras, the stigma of being the object of the crime and the lack of guarantees to freely exercise their profession.Before the latent danger everyday along which the legal professional, he can not sit idly by as they should continue the exercise of his career. Without any doubt, this means being more cautious, take urgent safety measures and dismiss some cases carry the risks they entail.It is extremely worrying that last point, because the lawyers took to justice the problems of our customers; however, in the country they are giving aggravating factors and imminent danger, requiring reject the representation of certain cases for the consequences that may bring. Many lawyers and lawyers have lost their lives just because of taking over a case in which they have been involved one or more of the twelve variables outlined a few minutes ago.All the effort and illustration have developed legal professionals for years, they are hampered by the sickly virulence towards them. The most recent crime happened a little over a month, she was carried out by a university young professional, who pushed for ideological reasons and an apparent mental disturbance, killed with unbelievable cruelty in a mall in Tegucigalpa in broad daylight, a lawyer wearing an emblematic case of citizen accused of corruption.The lawyer was not to blame for the alleged crimes attributed to his client. All he performed was the work of representation before the courts; however, the political and ideological criminal –adversaries your represented– assumed that taking the life of the lawyer, avenged its opposite. Despite these turbulent waters through which we sail and to that dark and menacing scene, Honduran lawyers are determined to remain brave sentinels of the truth, and we carry the banner of the Goddess Justice.The creation, implementation and administration of the law, requires wise men and women in the field, with common sense and inexhaustible citizen vocation. The law has come to turn more than a profession, but a vocation … is without doubt a meeting point for the reconciliation of different interests, to help be granted to everyone no less than it belongs, and to hold that vision capability that empowers societies to develop in peace and freedom.The above are generous resolutions to which we aspire lawyers; however, in Honduras we’re almost ready to stop dreaming about these ideals as an adverse environment and full of infamy, it has become the harbinger of a black cloud that threatens the daily work career of laws, and not It allows us to see clearly the future of the profession and of our lives. Because the latent threat to sun to moon students of the Laws, the Honduras Bar Association is developing and proceed to implement a Safety Prevention Project in this Affiliate College and thus improve governance in the country.There are many challenges that accompany the lawyer of the new millennium; But do not forget that before a professional Laws, is a human being who must always be ready to offer its selfless assistance to their counterparts, to try to have a better world where man is not only in harmony with himself, but also the environment and social and economic realities that surround him. We ask of you colleagues from Europe, Asia, Africa, America and Oceania, from the depths of our hearts and from the threads of our souls, solidarity and worldwide support for the twenty thousand and fifty-seven lawyers and lawyers from Honduras, feel they are not alone and that although the hands of criminals and criminal minds want to extinguish the light of justice that dwells in all; There colleagues beyond borders and beyond the oceans, who accompany these painful moments that pass through. We need your support and your company colleagues the world! In Honduras we do not want to live with petrifying fear that grips us; gentleman wish to exercise this office without obstacles preventing us earn a living with dignity.We hope that our professional situation will change, we will again enjoy the freedom we exercised this profession years ago. We have faith that we will walk towards the courts, courts, with the assurance that our profession will be respected by those who despise the triumph of justice.It is our certainty that new and better times are coming to improve our quality of life. And also we are convinced that very shortly with our participation and support of you colleagues in various latitudes of the planet, violence against the guild of lawyers in Honduras, will be a thing of the past of which only retain images pain of so many lawyers killed in the line of duty, and perpetual prayers for their souls enjoy eternal rest.

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