European Citizens Without Defense -the programme

MORNING 9h30 – 13h30

9h30: Inscription

10h00:  Welcome and Presentation

Ana Méndez GORBEA, Lawyer in MADRID, president of ALA- Madrid

Pro Deo Versus Pro Bono: Right against Charity

Gilberto PAGANI, Lawyer in Milano, Honorary President of the EDL

« Equality in front of the law is equality in front of the court »

11h15: Coffee Pause

11h30: 1st round table:

Access to Law: the word to the citizens !

The experience of social movements, legal teams and associations in France, Belgium

With: Belgium, Hilde LISSENS (Network of Fight against Poverty), Paco SEGURA (Ecologists in Action), Miguel BEITIA (Plataforma de Afectados por la Hipoteca – PAH), Carlos ESCAÑO (NosomosDelito), Italo DI SABATO (Observatory on Repression)

Moderator: Robert Sabata (lawyer in Barcelona)

12h45 : Discussions – questions from the public

13h30 : lunch


AFTERNOON 15h00 – 18h30


Fundamental texts and jurisprudence of the European Courts.

VINCENT LETELLIER, Former president of the SAD, Belgium, lawyer in Brussels, and currently teaching at the Free University of Brussels


2nd round table: Legal aid in Europe as seen by lawyers

With Denis DE PLOEG (Amsterdam); Marina DALIANI (Athens) ; Marta CLAPÉS (Barcelona); Bernd HÄUSLER (Berlin) ; Isabelle RAFFARD (Bordeaux); Véronique DOCKX (Bruxelles), Wendy PETTIFER (London) ; Nicola CANESTRINI (Rovereto),

Moderator: Frédéric UREEL (President of the EDL), lawyer in Charleroi           

17h30: Discussion – questions from the public

18h00: Conclusions:

Recommendations Of the CCBE In matters of Legal Aid

Rendering mandatory the European directive in matters of judicial assistant and legal aid.

Fernando Piernavieja Niembro, Ex-president of the Commission Access to Justice of the Consejo de la Abogacía Española

18h30 – Closing



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