Police Identification: the petition

The EDL (European Democratic Lawyers) is promoting an European Campaign to sign a petition directed at the European Commissioner, European Commission and the Human Rights commision of the European Parliament, asking them to take the necessary measures to adopt an European directive for the identification of police officers on the basis of a preceding decision of the European Parliament.

Our intention is to collect the highest number of signatures in all member states and then hand it to the European Authorities.

In the petition we ask the European Authorities to take the necessary steps and introduce a debate aiming at adopting a directive or framework decision in this matter and give a response to the problem of the visible identification of police officers.

The aim being to avoid the violation of fundamental rights, safeguard the rights of the defense, the independence of judicial power and its role of control as well as to banish from everyday life the impunity of criminal actions of police officers and their administrative and political superiors with the following criteria:

I.- The general obligation of identification on the uniforms of all police forces.

II.- Simple and clear visibility of identifications, based upon precise dimensions and specifications.

III.- The establishment of an obligation for all police officers to identify themselves at the demand of a citizen.

IV.- A clear system of sanctions for offenders

sign the petition

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